Wednesday, September 26, 2012

R.I.P. Sgt David Lee Johnson

Been feeling a li lsick, thats why this may sound a lil off today. So Im here just to do some reflecting. This past weekend I went to the funeral of my uncle in Hope, Ark. For those that don’t know, my uncle had an 18-day battle w/ the West Nile Virus. I have been contacting his wife before he died & although he did get a surgery, he was still having effects. During my time in Hope, I got to actually see the people he had made a difference for & how well known he was in the city & southwest Ark. It was weird how I went to the city & still expected to see him. But I just also see how this death made me think of some things. Now my other uncle is the last surviving child of my grandmother AND since my uncle & other cousins carry a different last name because of my grandmother’s 2nd marriage, Im pretty much the only one left to carry the Johnson name. With all these deaths that happened the past year and a half on both sides of my family, I think I see the connection. All these people have touched people & have worked hard all their lives, they did what they had to do to support their families & loved the jobs that they did. With my father’s side of the family, it contained men that loved the mothers of their children & they have worked as well as being known as men of integrity. At times, I wondered if I could measured up w/ the men in my family & even my father, so Im reflecting on life on how Im making a difference in life & if Im working my hardest. But the thing you have to ask in life is What are you doing to be productive in your life?? If you died today, how do you want people to remember you?? R.I.P Sgt David Lee Johnson