Friday, October 21, 2011

Who would have thought??

Seemed like it was a bland week, but thank God I had made it through.

So something came up while I was at work; On Monday I was called into management’s office & was told I have a possibility of moving into a different & better apartment. I was told that my skills I possessed would be a better fit to this other department & there have been troubles w/ people keeping their mouths shut on what goes on at work & someone might be let go, and if that happens I would be the replacement. The guy also told me that the head supervisor in my department didn’t want me to move for some reason, I have been a faithful & hard worker, but he went over his head to get me to transfer over in the next few weeks.

Im really not much into baseball, but I see that the World Series has begun, and ironically the two teams in it are........Texas and St. Louis. If you remember me speaking about it in a past blog, I had family members trying to talk me into moving to Houston and also St Louis. I wonder: Is this a message from God?? Would I see where to go by the results of the World Series?? Series is tied so far at 1 game apiece.

As Im talking right now, Im actually ordering me a new cord for my laptop, needed a specific kind & couldn’t really use the universal, but hopefully I’ll be back on that, especially when I travel. Just talked to my mom, she wants me to wait because she wants to make sure I go to a good website or store for it.

Imma go off on the crunk tip for the weekend................Have a good one

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