Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Starting Anew.............

If many of you have noticed something on Twitter, it is true: I have deactivated my old twitter acct & created a new on.  With all the stuff I was going through, I thought it would be time for a change.


A while back, me & a friend I have been talking to for almost a year, basically “grew apart”.  We used to talk on the phone every other night & even kicked it a few times.  Then all of a sudden, she was having issues & had to move home w/ her mom & she ended up taking a night job as well.  I once remember that whenever she was stressed about something, she would call me & I would listen & give advice, even supported her on her business.  I understood that she was busy yet I noticed some things that were happening like she would never hit me up on her off day & hang w/ her friends & would flirt w/ more guys on twitter.  I remember we were having full convos through text & I was wondering why she would rather text than talk, we ended up going the whole month of September not talking on the phone w/ each other, she no longer enjoyed talking to me but would not admit it.  I sent her an email saying that I felt like she was hiding behind chatting & texting & I told her if she was not interested in talking to me anymore, just say something & I would just leave her alone.  She caught me on FB chat & chatted about some things, I had to asked her 3x if she lost interest in me, she finally said yes after blowing off the question a few times but she said she wanted to focus more on her career.  A few days later, I gotten a text from her that she missed me & I would always be her friend, yet I responded in an email why would I be a friend when I supported you & you blew off talking to me for over a month?? No response.  What got me was that when my uncle died, she texted me but then she called me at a time when I was at work, almost like she purposely called me at that time to leave a vm so she could avoid talking me.  I remember in the beginning of October, I remembered I followed her best friend & I DMed her on why she was being distant, she pretty much told me that she didn’t like me anymore yet she didn’t even know why.  I thanked her for the info & said her friend was a coward for not telling me this.   I even wrote a blog about why do women push away guys that proved to be supportive to them.  My friend caught wind & instead of contacting me about me talking to her friend & the blog, she blasted me on twitter.  I apologized for my actions yet I told her I was just upset because she wouldn’t talk to me about what was going on.  I sent one last email saying on how she was being distant for no reason & would not communicate & told her if there was any beef between us to PLEASE call me & we could work things out.  I have not heard from her ever since that day & have not gotten a reply to that email.  Now if I was somehow thrown into the friend zone, I just wish she would have said that.



But after this, it just had me thinking.  This girl basically distant herself & also would tweet, text, & chat, but would not talk verbally about her feelings.  I started to wonder if I was like this since I liked her at one point.  So I basically took a twitter break, before I did, I gave my contact info to some of my closest twitter friends to get at me whenever.  And one night last week, I thought about it; maybe I do need to change some things.  So I decided to become more professional & put my nickname to rest, & that’s how I became @ItsMrJohnson5 , because I also felt I should retire @KingJaffe5 for a better image


But I want to thank all my twitter friends that’s been there for me when I was feeling down; Valeria, Lamonica, Shelly, Cicely, Marla, and my LBs Steve & Calvin for reminding me that I should not trip over one pretty face.  I also want to thank God for everything & pray that I would get the bitterness out my system.
Follow me on my new twitter: ItsMrJohnson5

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