Sunday, December 9, 2012

Happy Beginning of December!!!

So pretty much trying to still clean house this weekend.  The Houston job search has been progressive, heard back from 2 places, nothing much, but at least I heard from someone.  Already have put the tree up, yet my lil sis said she wanted to decorate it, but she hasn’t got to it yet so I have a bare white tree in my living room.

But have received some bad news yesterday.  My former friend I’ve known for years have been sentenced for a year for domestic violence – 1st degree, which they said was previously 3rd degree.  I have kept away from him for a while because although he was my friend, I keep hearing things from other people about what was going on & some people was afraid of me hanging out w/ him may hurt me.  Also heard rumors that he had messed w/ a girl who was 16, a year older than my sister.  Even his mother & grandmother are being distant w/ me because they felt I should have helped him change, yet I’ve already been talking to him for years.  Had to pull the plug, I just couldn’t be associated w/ that.

But thinking over some of the events w/ people this year, I understood God showed me that my circle of friends had to become more defined.  I lost at least 2 close friends this year but gained a few others, even if they do live outside of my city.  Also have been involved w/ the Blues Society, Im one of only 2-3 paid black members out of 70+ people, but they are cool, got to just talk & be w/ a more mature crowd & network, one of my friends in it trying to get me to be one of the chair heads.  Between my twitter friends that I got closer to (all of them are pursuing their goals) & the people in the Blues Society, I have developed a friends circle that may be a bit smaller but they are positive people that I feel equally yoked to.

The lesson: I know it might be ok to have a lot of friends, yet sometimes it better to have a handful that’s gonna have a positive influence on life.  Its like what my pastor said: I would rather have a small real diamond that a big fake one.

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