Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

First blog of the year.  Been off for about a week and a half, going back to work next Monday.  Some good news: Already have my 2nd job in line, gonna be helping out the finance dept at Oaklawn racetrack, so having to brush up on horse racing/betting terms.  Hope everyone had a great Christmas & a good/safe New Years.

So I look back in 2012 & I think over what I had experienced.  I had prayed for self-improvement, gotten a bit of it, yet stings like hell at times.  On a grade scale, I would give 2012 a B.  Hard to explain what I went through, but I know I did things to solify areas in my life.  I had questioned on things in my life, still don’t have all the answers, yet things are more clearer.  I know more of what I want in my life & even when Im not done w/ my goals, I got the ball rolling.  As for the people who did & didn’t make it w/ me for 2013, I learned that you are gonna have people that you would have to cut lose.  Not everyone is gonna be w/ you when you try to better yourself, also learned that everyone you showed respect to & helped out is always not gonna be there for you & could be intimidated at times.  Lost 2 close friendships in 2012 but I was able to get closer to other friends.  I made changes in life & understood who my real friends are, those that share common goals & pushing for the betterment of their own lives.

Now for 2013, key goals include finally moving out of Arkansas to Houston.  Im still waiting on info to be shipped from Texas Southern to learn more about their programs & a close friend knew I worked in the housing field so they talked me into the Asset management program in Houston.  Love life?? Well, if it happens, it happens, I just know I want to make myself the best man possible & be more settled before I make one official.

Wishing everyone a fruitful 2013, also special shoutout to the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta for this year being their 100th year of existence

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