Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm back...........More random thoughts

I know its been a min since I last been on here. Been having to work OT at the job and spending quality time w/ my girl. But I'm having a good day, watching the Cowboys game.

I see that there is a difference between living in Ark and living in Memphis. I see so much in moving back to Memphis. Im waiting on these jobs in TN to call me back. But I want to go back to the place that made me who I am today. When I went to school in Memph, I learned I had to adjust, to become a more relaxed person, and to be a man that don't back down.

When I went back to Ark for my job, I saw something. A lot of these dudes in Ark, they gonna act hard, act like they the shit, yet I see that they not gonna leave their comfort zone. I learned in Memphis that a lot of dudes go out & venture. I also saw something in Greek life and other aspects in Ark; they gonna act hard in the state of Ark, yet they just gonna stay in the box. Trust me, I ALWAYS gave them an invite to things in Memphis, now they do claim they go hard, but they never accept a new challenge and some do not WANT to come to Memphis. Also, a lot of these cats in Ark are like 50 Cent, keep arguing about people talking about them and being paranoid, but I then look at them and look over my shoulder and ask them "Who are you talking about???? No one is after you............" Or when they do go somewhere, they are low-key to the point they don't even wear their letters. Sorry for the blasting..............but when I came back from Memphis, I had all these dirty looks toward me, and I was the good guy, sorry if I dont let drama run my life

I'm blessed to go to the U of M, I had opportunities to do stuff there I know I couldn't hae done in Ark. It did help me to become a better social person. I got to perform in Stepshows in 4 states. I had better role models in TN than I did in Ark...............

But Also I found my future wife in Mem. I've known Jenna since our frosh orientation 7 years ago, yet we've been serious for the past few months. I just miss Memphis and I miss her, I miss my brothers there. I know I don't have that blood family there, but I have family there, if you know what I mean.

That Jarrid E. Johnson, born in Hot Springs, where I was that different one, the one that was picked on, is DEAD!!!! He died when he stepped foot over that bridge, yup, THAT bridge...........Its now Jarrid E. Johnson S.k.a. King Jaffe da 5-Club, and I will NOT back down from a challenge..............Holla at cha boi!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st of tha Month............

I'm just chillin, catching up on the T.O. show on, watchin the one w/ T.O. dem go to Vegas..................

I for some reason was watching Jerry Springer earlier today when I woke up. Uhhhh, how much are people paid to be on this show again??? Today's episode had a mother keeping her daughter from marrying a guy that didn't have a job, later in the episode, we found out that she is a bi-sexual and she ended marrying BOTH her man & her girl on the side...........

But Jerry's show do have me thinking, people do have tendencies to act strange in certain relationships. You have those that are desperate to be in relationship. Some peeps are so desperate that they will take the 1st person they see. Its real bad in some of these southern places, its a fear of being by themselves, some men & females will literally take bad people, don't take the time to know them before making things official. You also have those that know they have flaws, are in relationships, and will act super-paranoid that someone will take their significant other. If you feel that way, why are you in a relationship??? Its usually that fear of being by yourself.

I notice that people who cheat in a relationship will try to blame the husband. But where's the communication??? Why do you have to wait to tell someone a secret on a talk show rather than tell them one-on-one?? And if you cheat because the other person was a bad person, why didn't you say something in the 1st place, why would you just leave rather than cheat?? You would basically put yourself at a lower level.

3 Things I want to close out on:
1) Learn to have that confidence on yourself, once you become a good person, good people will come to you.
2) Desperation is a bad look, the more desperate you are, the lower you will go and the more sh** you are bound to let slide
3) Make sure you & yours have a CLEAR line of communication, make sure you are both on the same page, and if its not working out, make sure EVERYTHING is thought out before giving up.

Ya'll have a good night..................


Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lazy Sunday..............

Lets see, its Sunday, I'm just chillin, just got through watching Last Holiday on TNT, probably next watch Funny People on my laptop.

I talked to my girl last night/early early early morning. Its sort of hard to have a long distance relationship at the moment, but I love her to death. Im here is Hot Springs, She back in Memphis. I am planning on going back on Sept 11 for the Southern Heritage Classic weekend. So far, I planned to go see the new Madea movie on Friday, go Tailgating/game on Sat, then me & my girl can chill and watch the Indy Colts on that Sunday. Yes, She is a Colts fan, I am a Cowboys fan, but hey, we cool wit each other. I'm just ready to move, trying to move either late Sept or early Oct. I do know that I wanna be settled in Memphis, hopefully Bartlett, by Oct 29th, which me & my LBs will be able to celebrate 5 years in Sigma. Looks like there's a game on tonight, Denver vs. Chicago, I may watch it tonight.

*Disclaimer* This is an open blog on whats on my mind, so if you are a person I work with, esp a supervisor, or someone that wants to try to keep tabs on me w/o actually talking to me, just leave this blog, you don't have to worry about me............

Ya'll have a nice day.....................

One of my Favorite Slo Jams:

One of My Fav Raps:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

You have received a YouTube video!

My 1st Blog.............

Happy Saturday!!! My first blog on here, what should I saY??? I meant to do this ealier, but I am actually bored. I was refered to this as a way to express whats inside my head. May actually put sum complete thoughts. Here is sum things I think about that has been on my mind:

-My job (I am up & down on it, yet I try not to take my anger out on the clients)

-My relationship (Me & her have been serious for almost 2 months, yet we have known each other for 7 yrs)

-I play Sports video games

-I am a huge college football fan (Go Tigers, Razorbacks, and Longhorns)

-Im planning my move back to Memphis

-Trying to stay fit

-Sociology, I meaning the study of man's behavior

-Thoughts, Toughts, Thoughts.................

I'm just gonna write when I feel like it. I'll come back later, Dominos is having a special: $3.99 for a medium pizza...........I know, I know

My 1st vid/site on here: