Wednesday, December 21, 2011

You are NOT the father, yet you still gonna pay for it

So the other day, I was going over some Youtube videos and I came up on this one:

I really think this is a messed up situation, having the court make you pay for a child that not yours. 2 Things come to mind:

1) The women involved. Would a woman really want to take child support from a man that is NOT the father of the child in question?

2) The Biological Father. Where is this guy?? How would he feel about another man taking care of his child? Does he know he has a child with this woman?

But is this a way for the governing system to save money on public assistance? I know that a man has to be there to take care of his child, but have we been desperate enough in our country to where we will pin the responsibility on other men? Just some random thoughts………….

1 comment:

  1. It should never be another man who isn't the father being forced to pay for a child that isn't theirs. There are some serious flaws in this system.
