Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Years

I know, I know, I know.............

Happy New Years from me & my family. Been a good year so far, just started this year off running. So at work I have been getting stuff ready for 2012. Now involved w/ writing a grant to help out w/ my job & also getting ready to help out w/ another homeownership class for the month of January, I thought we wasnt gonna have a class in January, but there have been a few people want the class because they are about to close on some homes. Also helping w/ planning a Meet & Greet in February for our company & a few of the city officials.

So just reflecting on 2011, I know I have dealt w/ some losses, yet I notice that there have been some more structure on my life. Going from 2010 to 2011, all I really cared for was that I was getting a shot at moving to Tampa/St. Pete in January so I can fully start over, but things somehow fell apart & I had to deal w/ some stuff in Arkansas. During this year, I ended up losing 2 uncles (one on each side of the family), my great-grandmother, my cousin in a car wreck, and my grandmother that lived w/ me while I was in high school. But there somehow been a gain in our family; got to meet my grandfather for the first time in 10+ years, saw him in March for my great-grandmother's funeral. So me, my mom, & my sister been getting closer to him & his family (found out I also had 2 aunts I didnt know about) & we even got to go to Houston in August.

But also in work & in life, it seem like things are coming together. Now w/ my job, Im taking on more responsibilities, including handling more of educating customers & the develoment of our program. I even took on a 2nd job for a few months during the summer at a theme park to get me some extra dollars for Christmas. But just thinking about it, this is the first calendar year since 2000? that I have not step foot in Memphis an entire calendar year. I also saw what it means to have meaningful friends, somehow felt I was having a smaller circle of friends, yet they all are positive people. Now I thought I was not gonna be dating anymore, yet had some close calls where I might be near that time. I remember earlier this year when some girl 3 years older than me hit on me (Later found out that she was a mother & she had a bad rep w/ some people, basically looking for a guy to “save” her). I back to where Im social w/ females more & even talking to one over the phone everyday. But now I see that God want me to get back out there & make sure I make the right decisions. But with everything, just gotta pray for guidance.

My plans for 2012: Feed off the successes I had from the 2nd half of 2011 & create more structure in life & continue to learn to be that better man. Me & my mom are bumping heads less often yet I hope we get better w/ being around each other. I want to do more traveling in 2012, thought about going to London for the Olympics yet still have to get my passport. I also want to look into moving, my neighbor's son had me fix my resume, he spent about $600 just to fix his & he giving me pointers, so there are at least 150 new resumes hitting companies this week alone. Im also looking to buy a new gaming season, havent really had a working on since mid-August. But basically whatever God has for me, I'll be ready for it.

Deuces & holla at cha boi...............

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