Friday, August 17, 2012

Back in August................

Hope everyone is doing well. Just owe back some time on here & give an update on life. Still been doing my 2nd job yet that will be over at the end of October. Things have been frustrated because at one point I was up for a promotion at the 2nd job yet they end up giving it to a younger guy, but Im not trying to be bitter, the guy has 4 kids & his wife is stay-at-home. As for my main job, I haven’t been teaching since Feb and since my sup is still having her health problems, my training still has been on hold & I’ve been stuck just maintaining the office. So basically I’ve been taking up a 3rd job; giving plasma at the center down the street from my house. Also have been seeing this great woman, I like her yet I wonder if she feel the same way about me, and she stays in Memphis. Got to kick it w/ her last month & she is more gorgeous in person than in her pics. Also what I love about her is that she is genuine, really separates herself from other woman, & she has goals for herself. I just hope that me being in Ark & her in Memphis don’t stand in the way. I have gotten contacted by an employment center in St. Louis, gonna try to hit them up once I get something from my aunt that stays there, she said she wanted to talk to them to make sure they were legit. Texas & even Memphis are still options, depending on who has the best offer on the table. Next Saturday is my mom’s BDay & still doing some shopping, already gotten her first gift yet still seeing what I can get, even when I had bills to pay. Wish me the best!!!
Me @ The Peabody Rooftop Party last month

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