Thursday, October 18, 2012

Year of Communication

Been thinking about stuff that has been going on this year. I think I understand how everything is connected this year: Communication. During the year, I have dealt w/ individuals that had problems w/ it but also have strengthened it / some individuals as well. Some things that happened this year: -I had one supervisor who has been distant from me even when I went above & beyond for her, later found out she was upset because she wanted her grandson in my position & didn’t want to say anything about it. -I had another supervisor that had problems w/ communication. I once had to take off my work shirt to try & fix a desk in the office. The sup walked in, saw me, & instead of asking me what was going on, she pulled my coworkers aside & asked them why I had my work shirt off when I was visible working on something. -Me & my mom in a way having this “quiet battle”. As I mentioned earlier, I have been filling out apps to try to move to Houston. My mom have been making slick remarks, I once talked to my aunt that lives in Houston about who is all hiring, I told my mom I talked to my aunt, , my mom asked if those places has Hot Springs locations I could apply to. My mom has been pushing hard on these Hot Springs places, which I already applied to a while back & haven’t heard from them. Its like my mom wants me to stay but she will not verbally admit it. -And recently I had this close friend that I just lost, we've been talking for a year & we used to talk to each other on the phone, now she has been distant from me. We have not talked to each other on the phone since Aug 28th of this year, she said she has been too busy to talk to me yet she has spent time w/ everyone but me. She would text me & may chat w/ me, yet I get this feeling she is hiding behind that so she wont be vocal. I have sent emails over a month ago talking about us being distant yet she wouldn’t respond. She basically gave me the cold shoulder & yet will not tell me whats wrong & is afraid to be verbal about it even when she still has my number. I do want to ask: Why is it hard for some women to be verbally honest except in gossiping?? Not trying to bash women here.......... But basically what I have done was gotten in contact more w/ my friends on twitter, DMing them that I was taking a break from twitter & just try to call, email, or text me. I just didn’t want to be one of those people that its easier for me to express myself on social sites than in the real world. When Im gonna be back on twitter?? Dont really know, have things to work on. So if you know me through twitter, DM me. Still applying to places in Houston, in fact, planning to make a stop there late next month. Be Blessed & Be Careful out there

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