Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday is Mine

Feel like a zombie typing this up. Whats been going on w/ me?? Life. So on the business front, still working yet have been talking to other companies, in fact, already talked to someone this morning. I interviewed for an HR position & should be called back about it later on. On the way out, I ran into one of my mom’s friends, she just been named manager for a new store & she asked me about being a asst manager for the night shift. Hey, its more money as a temp 2nd job, and I wont go to Houston empty handed. Speaking of Houston, so far Ive decided to move in January, November & December are the holidays. But I do want to make it to NBA All-Star Weekend in Houston in February. Mom & sis are doing well. Mom still a lil upset about me thinking about Houston yet I see now It might be because of her relationship w/ my grandpa. As for my sister, the football season is over & I was proud of her for making it in her first full football season as a varsity cheerleader. Took her out to eat a bit during this past weekend. While at the store, one of her male friends came to me & told me I spoil my lil sis. I do sort of agree & might back off a bit, yet still looking at buying my mom & sis gifts for Christmas. Now also in my personal life, I have sort of taken up a new thing: Zumba. I went to my 1sr ever class last Friday morning, it was steady movement yet it felt like I was doing some robot moves at time lol. Been more social as well, talking to people on the phone more often now & texting more often. I already now have a “lady friend” I talk to, The only thing is Im still trying not to be afraid about what if I start boring her. But yeah, that’s it in a nutshell, still a lil tired, must not been getting that much sleep at work lol.

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