Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Popular Choice vs. Best Choice

Everything has been decent, still been doing both of my jobs & living day by day.  So the update on Houston is that a former GM I worked w/ in Hot Springs have relocated to an insurance company in the city, I found him on Linkedin & he said he wanted me to apply to the company & he knew how I worked.  I don’t really know if its guaranteed but it does get me a step closer.  Also started to research job fairs online & wanted to try to make a trip to one next month.  Been busy the past few days, other than working, been checking up on my mom because she has been w/ the flu.  Also still supporting my lil sis, had our crosstown rivalry vs. Lakeside & she cheered at the games, girls team won, boys team lost.

Do you believe in “women wont date a man that no other women will date”?? Or “Men wont date a women that other men wont date??”? Maybe this just the nerd in me that’s typing this.  I know that I have to be at the top of my game & be at my best, not just because of women but because I want to be the best man I can be.  But the thing is that this quote had me thinking:

Is this why a lot of good people get overlooked??
Is this why a lot of the “thugs” or the underachieved people getting chose by many other people??

My thing is Im flattered if more than one woman would want me, but would we let the statement overshadow a natural attraction and/or overshadow finding that perfect fit for us??  Do we still going to have that ability to take the time & check a person out to see if we have that special connection??
Just my 2 cents on this…………….

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