Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Forgot to mention this in my last blog, but major Congrats to the Dallas Mavs for taking home the NBA Championship!! A great city, some of the coolest people there, the city deserves it.........................until Memphis claims it next year lol. But seriously, I just hope Dallas doesnt get treated like Detroit a few years back: You beat a so-called superteam to win the Championship, yet the news was more focused on the team that lost than the team that won. Dallas beat BOTH the Lakers & Miami, they played as a team, if you have a problem on who won, you better write to your favorite NBA team & tell them to do better.

Everything been going good so far this week. I actually gotten a call from my mom's friend that works at a bank across town. She told me that she may have found someone that could sponsor me whenever I take my Series 7 Exam. But she told that she want to help me study for it this summer, also she mentioned to me that there is a prep course for it being held this summer, just got to get the paperwork to register for it. Been reading my study guide almost nightly, as well as having some study cards loaded onto my computer, anything else I can get my hands on will be very helpful for me.

But some advice I really want to give today is no matter what, you have to find a way to keep your self-worth at a high level. There are just people around that dont really know their worth & are just going to accept less than what they deserve. A reason for this is I saw the movie The Savages last night. The brother ended up letting the woman he love for numerous years be deported back to her own country just because he didnt want to commit to being married, the sister was knowingly having an affair w/ a married man. You saw in the movie that these 2 people's problems stemmed from the father being distant from both of their lives. The thing is I see that in the real world: People are out here accepting less. If you feel like you don't amount to shit, what are you going to do about it to make yourself better??

And sometimes when you have that low self-esteem about yourself, some of the most evil & worthless people can pick that up & may either take advantage of you or will leave you alone. This time last year, I was still a lil down after breaking up w/ my ex. Suddenly I had this girl add me on facebook & was suddenly asking me was I seeing someone & sent another message on did I have a number she could call me on. She basically smell of thirstiness. I checked out her profile, saw we only had 2 friends in common: My homeboy & his wife. I later found out that she was the wife's homegirl & the wife told her that I just got out of a relationship & that I would be vulnerable to her, and I made enough money for her to be a housewife. How did the girl look?? Imagine Pertuna Pig, Porky's girlfriend. Im not shallow, but I dont believe in trying to jump on someone right after they broke up w/ someone.

Overall, you have to learn to love yourself. Even w/ certain events that happen in your life, you know you have to rebound & realize that you are never meant to be a bottom-feeder. If you let someone feed you bullshit on your worth, you might just fall into a trap. You may need to just sit down & ask Who am I?? How can I build my worth so I can get the best things out of life rather than just accepting anything??

1 comment:

  1. Real talk Mr. Johnson! This is a must-read because so many people are willing to accept anything thrown their way and receive any treatment because they don't love themselves. I was just having this conversation with a friend of mine who is in a bad relationship. I tried to explain to her that her bf treats her like dirt because she allows him to and she doesn't value herself enough to put a stop to it. I know my worth and a man or woman knows I am not gonna tolerate any disrespect period. But some people have to learn that lesson for themselves.

    Lol at the Petunia Pig comment too, btw. And wow I can't believe a woman had the nerve to tell another woman that getting with you would give her a "get out of jail free" card (that's what we call it in my circle). The trifling ways of some women smh.
