Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My not really gonna be dating situation/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 9

I'm seriously trying to keep from being brain dead today. Fell asleep last night about 11pm & woke up around 3:30am, went running right when I woke up. Had a meeting this morning & pretty much on my feet for most of the day. Also heard from someone that I might be moved to a different department at work, if I do, the trip to Houston might be questionable for next week, I still havent got my tix to TGP.

So that girl that tried to holla at me?? I somehow ran into her yesterday. I told her that 1) I really wasnt ready to date yet & 2) My homeboy told me that he tried to holla at her not long ago. She was telling me that she found out he had issues, including when he can't get along w/ his mom, and she claimed he cussed her out when she told him no. Like I said earlier, she came onto me & gave me her # yet I haven't call, she is 3 years older than me, & has a 4 year old son living in another city. Honestly, Im not really feeling her yet & would feel a lil strange to go out w/ a girl that my close friend tried to holla at.

Now with 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 9, Its a song that I could dance to. If I was going back to the clubs, what song(s) would I be dancing to?? Last time I been to a club (excluding this past weekend for that bday party) I think was May 2010 in Memphis. I have thought of 2 & here they are (Its my blog dammit!!! lmao), One for to get crunk on, another when I getting it on w/ a lady.

All-Star f/ Gucci Mane - I go Ham

Adina Howard - TShirt & Panties On

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