Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Enough Apps/30 Day Song Challenge - FINAL DAY!!!

So I went to the store to pick up something to eat & when I came out next to it was a place I applied for a 2nd job a few weeks ago. I saw they still had the We are Hiring sign even when I put my application in a few weeks back. I went back to my office to just call them & that place told me "We didnt fill the position because we didnt have enough applications turned in for it" WHAT??? And I know I qualified for the position. So I told my mom about what they said & she said they might have been uncomfortable for having a black male working there. But should I just let it go because I found a 2nd job??

But yeah, the 30 Day Song Challenge FINAL DAY *does crazy dance* But today has to be a song that I liked last year. If I remember, this time last year I was returning to Hot Springs because some things fell through in Memphis. Just happy Im better now than I was a year ago. I was mad about some stuff so I turned to rap for a minute. But this one song made me want to get even w/ certain people at that time (Some friends, ex, some frat, etc.....), but I learned to calm down, BUT I still like this song at times.

Plies - Me & My Goons

1 comment:

  1. That absolutely sucks about that job! I don't know what their reaosn was for not hiring you, but brush it off and keep going. I'm having the worst time on this job hunt too :\

    Nice job on you completing the challenge!
