Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Going back at it.........

Back at work today, it was an interesting weekend. So my grandmother's funeral went ok, I ended up being a pallbearer for the funeral. It just really got to me last weekend that my own grandmother was gone. I had seen some of the family in Texarkana, I know there has to be a time where I will actually go to that city w/o it having to be a funeral to go to. But really, there have been some members of my family I feel detached from, prolly because Im usually the only 20-something male, also because they like my little sister better, also I really dont talk to one of my aunts that much because of some stuff that happened in Dallas a few years back. But also, I have my other favorite aunt from St. Louis saying she wants me to move down there, I keep hearing there was a problem w/ the economy there yet my aunt keep telling me that there are some people there that might want to hire me. I keep seeing myself as a TX person yet w/ everything going on, I'll just pray on the options out there to see which one is best for me.

I got back home on Sunday but took another day off because of some business I needed to handle some business. I was going to buy me a new phone this week yet I found out my mom procrastinated on paying one of her bills & needed me to help out, so the new phone had to wait a lil bit longer. Love my mom, yet hate it when she tells me some stuff at the last min.

So as far as this weekend, other than work, I'll be helping out w/ The Hot Springs Blues Festival. An old co-worker got me on & I'll be heading to a info/staff meeting tonight when I get off work. Let me get off of here, Im hungry.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about ur loss, hun. Stay strong and know that u and ur family are in my prayers.

    I think it's so sweet of u to look out for ur moms like that. Ur an awesome son :)
