Saturday, February 4, 2012

First blog of February..........Never mind its the 2nd

So Congrats on everyone that made it through the 1st month of 2012. I know there have been some crazy things that happened but we made it. So the things thats been keeping me busy like I said earlier was helping to train in Foreclosure Prevention. The presentation I did last month did well, so Im gonna be putting in studying & helping people that come into the office. They want me to go through some online training yet the org that holds these trainings hold four conferences a year, this month in Los Angeles but too late to go, but they gonna have a conference in New Orleans in May so Im looking into that, I already applied for a grant last week to go so Im waiting to hear back from the company that gives them.

But also I have applied for a 2nd job for the summer, just to make some extra money on the side. The same place I worked last summer when I helped out w/ planning of their festivities. It being a bartender on the evenings & weekends, dont really know much about summer travels, but its something interesting. I have the position yet they want me to apply for a clerk position for the evenings & weekends as well so I might go back on Thursday to interview.

But with this month, might look for something to get into for Black History Month. Now for Valentine's Day, might go ahead & do some Vday shopping. I have a close friend in Memphis that I want to buy something for, we have been talking on the phone for months & I just want to do something for her, just dont know what yet.

Thats about it for now, hope everyone has a great weekend, and hopefully I have something deeper to talk about next time

1 comment:

  1. I was reading your blog and i like it, follow u, we could follow each other :)
    If u can, visit:
    See ya!
