Friday, February 3, 2012

Who are you??

I was watching a video on Youtube about having the power to be yourself in this world. It just got me thinking; do people today actually know what they themselves like? Is what we like based off of what we like or someone else?? I thought of some things on myself & heres what I came up w/ so far:

1)I like gummi worms
2)I like sports video games
3)Im working on being a cleaner person
4)I hate Leprechaun & Final Destination movies
5)Im sometimes horrible at being a romatic guy, especially at choosing movies for a date
6)I never drink coffee in the morning
7)I am a proud Dallas Cowboys fan
8)Key colors I like to wear: Black, Blue, & Brown
9)Love V-Neck shirts
10) Like to wear the sweater over a dress shirt design

Many more things, but Im just giving out some examples. Some people in this world have that problem of thinking for themselves. They see one person having it, they want to copy it. God built us differently, but he also gave us the ability to think for ourselves. And if we cant really think for ourselves, isnt that being handicapped?? Dont worry about if people dont like what you like, people are meant to have different opinions, if they dont like you for you, I guarantee that theres someone out there thats gonna like you for you.

Been busy, but hope to be back on here w/ updates on whats going on in life. Be Blessed!!

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