Wednesday, October 12, 2011

To my Twitter Fam

Let me see; I think the last time I was on Twitter was the beginning of August, right when I just got back from Houston. When I got back to Ark, I just decided to do some different things, but also had some things happen. My granddad had me try to do some self discovery & made me realize that although I was doing things to help people, what was I really doing to help myself?? He had me to look over some scriptures, The Book of James and also Proverbs Ch 3 & 4. When I gotten home, I gotten a call about a 2nd job I applied for a while back, a theme park job that ends at the end of this month, just helping w/ some planning for the 2nd half of season as well as some Halloween projects, so the weekdays Im an office assistant, weekends I help out at the theme park. Also w/ my sister, just being that big brother watching over my sis cheerleading, my mom have been busy so I’m taking & helping sis w/ her activities, as well as being to some of her games. About a week and a half after visiting my granddad, my grandmother in Dallas passed & the services were in Texarkana. This woman had lived w/ me, my mom, and my sis while I was in high school & while I was in undergrad in Memphis, started living in Dallas w/ my other family about a couple years back.

But also, when I got back from Houston, I saw Twitter had officially changed & I was like F this, I don’t know If I can do that, so I sort of stayed back a bit. So I would say that the past few weeks were of deep thought & handling life. Also, if you were trying to get at me, I had an issue w/ my cell & have gotten a new phone w/ a new number, so hit me up.

So overall, with everything that was going on, I was just having to keep myself busy, not really just n a computer or phone, but having an active body. Was there any type of depression going on w/ me?? I still don’t know, tried to stay busy yet there were times even my mom ask if I am, yet I just think she wants to know about stuff so she can have something to tell her friends & I have been lowkey. But I just had this strange feeling that I had people that are only wanting to make moves when I make moves. For example, I didnt go to my high school homecoming game, then I found out my homeboy didnt go because I didnt go. I understand Im doing stuff to help & effect myself, but I dont want no one to do something just because Im doing it, think & do for yourself dammit!!

Oh, as well for my future, still praying on where Im gonna move to in 2012, have family that want me to head out to Houston as well as St Louis, so whoever has a better offer & where God has me going, Im there. I also want to drop off some tracks I heard from a Alexander O’Neal mixtape my coworker showed me. Have a good one & let the evilness resume lol.

Alexander O'neal - The Morning After

Alexander O'Neal - Love Makes no Sense

Alexander O'Neal - Aphrodisia

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