Thursday, March 29, 2012

Not because they were white..........

Its actually in the middle of the night when Im typing this, thought I would be sleep after a long day yet Im not for some reason. As some of you know, my birthday is tomorrow, but not really gonna do much celebrating this weekend. Found out earlier that my grandfather was having eye surgery for some type of glaucoma on the same day as my birthday, so been a lil worried about him. Also having to get stuff prepped for my 2nd job, gonna be starting it next weekend.

All over the news, people have been talking about the Travyon Martin case, saying that Zimmerman might have gotten off because of he was a white man (even when it was discovered he was hispanic descent). But some of yall need to really stop saying it was just because he was a white man. In a way, this is common to the Casey Anthony case. People keep saying it was because they were white, but actually they got away because they were also well connected. Zimmerman is a son of a retired state judge while Anthony has some ties herself because of her parents. Keep in mind, a few months back, there was a woman & her mother that went straight to jail when they ran their young daughter for about 3 miles & she actually died from exhaustion. They were white yet I knew those people were broke & unconnected when they went straight to jail & a key thing was in the article it said that they lived in a trailer. Also keep in mind that your average black man could go to jail for a commited crime, yet if he was an entertainer or a star athlete, he would get some type of leeway. Even with the Nolan Ryan Henderson incident that happened at Jackson State University, if those wasnt football players, would they have been held accountable for that beatdown?? So overall, if it was only white people that get away w/ things, then 1) Some of your “trailer park white trash” would get away w/ more crimes & 2) Some of your African American entertainers & athletes would have harsher sentences for their crimes.

That in a nutshell, hope yall having a great week & if Im not on here, yall have a great weekend

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