Saturday, March 24, 2012

Who you want vs. Who you need

So still been in the real world, also remembering that when I blog, Im able to do some venting as well as just putting my thoughts on here, even when they are random. I just need to remember to be consistent about the helpful things, including my writing, reading, & my dieting. Also, pray for my family, my Granddad in Houston is having eye surgery this coming week.

So what I have been dealing with is that my supervisor wanted me to lay off of some things this past week, I asked what was going on & she said that she wanted to slow things down because of her health. A few days later, I notice that she was trying to get her grandson involved w/ some of the functions in the office that I was doing. I have been talking to the grandson as a friend for a while, he was saying he didnt want to get involved because it wasnt his type of work, even when he lives w/ her & only works part-time at some spray shirt design store. He even said he himself didnt understand why she was pulling him to do stuff thats supposed to be my job & he didnt want to be there. I even talked to her & she said nothing was going on. Still dont fully know whats running through her mind, but I am still putting out my resume to numerous places.

Now the thing Im just trying to say is some people in this world is mad because people have two types of people around us: 1) Those people that we want to support us yet they dont want to & 2) Those people that support us yet we blow them off. I think a lot of people walk around wanting certain people to care & help you that you overlook those people that support you. Some people are even in situations where their families dont support them yet they need to realize that there are people that are not blood that will be there for them. Even in dating, we blow off complete people for those that only look good on the outside. People would say “Nobody want to ask me out”, but it could mean that OR they just look over the ones that ask them out. Moral of the story: if there are people who have been supportive of you, Embrace them, and dont force people to be there for you if they dont want to be there. And PLEASE dont wait til its too late.

Short & to the point, Hope everyone is having a great weekend

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