Friday, March 9, 2012

Your Potential & Chances

So I know its been a min since I posted, just been busy w/ some changes. Its my Bday month & I always expect it to be busy. This month, been trying to get stuff together between my job & my 2nd job. So because of my supervisor's dialysis coming up, she had canceled the class that I am supposed to have been help teaching this month. So instead of just sitting at the office & studying for my certification, Im taking my 2nd job at the same place as last year, but this time Im going back into bartending, gonna spend time at both jobs.

A while back, I rented Good Will Hunting from the library, I know Im late, just something in my spirit said just get it. It about this story of a guy named Will Hunting, a guy who works as a janitor that has the ability to solve hard math problems. He has a bunch of friends that you can say are unaccomplished yet they been supportive to him. So one day he gets caught solving a 2-yr-old problem by a professor & the professor tries to help him reach his full potential. He even meets a psychologist to see about his problems. In the process, he meets a girl that goes to Harvard. But as he goes through the story, we see that Will had past problems, and because of those past problems, he has fears of failure & being rejecting opportunities & relationships because he is afraid of being rejected himself.

But I do recommend everyone to see this movie if you havent already. The lesson out of it is that even when you have a bad past, you dont let that keep you from taking chances. Yes, I even have to remind myself this from time to time. I see people these days just cutting off people & opportunities because they are afraid that they would be told no, so its a get-them-before-they-get-me approach. Also, some people can see your gifts before you can, so when you havent figured out what you want to do w/ your life, someone gonna take you & try to mold you into THEIR image. You never know what will happen if you are willing to take chances in life, whether its professional or relationship-wise, its sometimes better to fail than to not even try at all.

Hope everyone has a great weekend

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