Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My update for this time................

I know it has been a few days since I put some stuff down on here, but its just some things going on in life.

Still working my 2nd job, but will be ending that at the end of October, through 2 weekends, its cool yet some of these females there are the most gossipish folks I ever met, so I have to keep to myself at the time.

Also, Please pray for my family. Last weekend, my grandmother died & we have been getting funeral arrangements together & the funeral is this weekend. Been talking to my mom all this week to see if she ok, and the thing is its my mom's Bday on Thursday. Dont know what to do w/ my mom having her Bday & then having to bury her mom the very next day. So as far as I know, there have been 5 deaths this year alone for people that are in my family. I talked to my mom, I have thought about getting some help, maybe to just see where my head is. I do feel sad at death, yet its like ever since my dad died when I was 10, I had this strange coping mechanism. Because of all my life, I have been the closest to my dad, and when he left, other than my mom & sis, I didnt feel I had that same attachment like that to other peeps. Every funeral I went to, I didnt cry, I might be scared now if I'm holding things in that I dont even know about. But heading out to Texarkana this evening, hope everything goes well.

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