Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Prepping/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 15

Im already tired & havent even left town yet. So yesterday right after I got off work, I had to help out w/ some outside work for someone. Just basically pulling up outside carpet to help make way for some new carpet, my hands still sore but it wa extra money in my pocket. I know today gonna be a busy day; when I get off, meeting mom at Walmart, may have to mow the lawn because my mom's friend still had the lawnmower to fix, and having to go to another person's house to help put together a bed, and I really still haven't started packing even when Im leaving Wednesday. And my friend that got hired by the hotel?? They had this last hired, first fired thing, some dude only was working at the hotel for 2 whole days.

But really, I know I haven't really been putting up some major blogs, but hopefully I'll put some thoughts & observations up when I get the time, just been busy w/ some stuff.

For Day 15 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, a song that describes me. Can't really find that exact song that describes me, but I'lll come close to it. In college, I earned the nickname King Jaffe after my resemblance to James Earl Jones, so I often went by both names. Last year, I saw that Willie Taylor, dude from Day 26, brought out a solo mixtape. I downloaded it, loved it, and also saw & listened to this song that sort of reflected my nick name. I know I might have cheated, but so what?? lol

Willie Taylor- King Of the Jungle

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