Friday, September 9, 2011

A beautiful day..............

You can pretty much tell that fall's coming, its still sunny but not hot, and people actually want to go outside now.

I've been busy w/ some stuff around here. Bot the jobs going well. I talked w/ my mom a while back & she asked why should I still have my 2nd job on the weekend. Lets see, found out my sis needs contacts for cheerleading, I'm looking to get a new phone, and there are repairs at my mom's house I know I can't fix, as well as my watch broke & there are future stuff that Bill Cosby once called "Accidentals".

But on Tuesday while leaving work, I ran into an old teacher that work not at my old elementary school. She talked about me having to take more chances in my life. It just got me thinking that I THOUGHT I was doing some good things yet I know there's a world still out there for me. She mentioned that her son just took a new job in NW Ark & she wants me to venture out & check out some other places including where her son is. I had a friend/frat bruh that just relocated to DC from Atl for a new job. So I ended up putting my resume through to some places in Houston to see what happens, also I sent my resume to my aunt in St. Louis, she still trying to get me to move out there, and Im still researching the area. I also have to write a cover letter, never really wrote one before. There were some reasons I was hesitant, I keep asking myself will my mom & sis be ok w/o me being in this city?? Will I be able to find a place to live in a new city?? But I just have to remember how I loved an adventure like when I decided to leave Ark to get my education in Memphis & just go for it.

But hope ya'll have a good weekend, gonna leave you w/ something:

1 comment:

  1. I'll be joining you with the two jobs things soon *sigh* - and you need contacts for cheerleading? Like, it's a must?
