Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Games & More Games

Great night I had last night. Big night for Dallas when they played their NFC East rivals the Redskins. Unfortunately, some sports bars didn’t think so. Me & some friends were supposed to have went to this African American owned place to watch the game yet we saw that they were closed, so we went downtown & headed to 2 different bars, Maurices before halftime, The Ohio Club after halftime. We should have went to Ohio Club the whole time because it seemed they had better food, but I may go back there Wednesday night for Blues Night, I’ll be meeting up w/ some of the Blues Society of Hot Springs that I assisted w/ for the Blues Festival a few weeks back. I glad Dallas pulled off the victory, 18-16, yet we scored 6 field goals, No TDs, and there have been times where the defense seemed like they were owned. Dallas, we cant win games w/ just field goals, DO BETTER!!!

But the weekend was good. Gotten off early during the weekend & the Halloween thing I’m helping w/ should be kicking off on Oct 8th, Im trying to see if they’ll let me help out w/ painting the haunted house just for fun. I found out a co-worker’s child is getting married this coming weekend, Notice I said CHILD, both her daughter & the guy is 19. I also finished that Kirt Warner book, I liked it & may do a review on it later on. My sis is doing fine, she spent the whole weekend w/ her Godsister & went shopping for her Homecoming dress, look like she buying a purple one. I already gotten my check from my 2nd job so I’m treating her to get her hair done on Thursday. But whats funny is that w/ her cheerleader squad & even w/ some of the coaches, because Homecoming is on Friday, my sis & the squad is not cheerleading that Thursday so they can all have their hair done & wont mess it up.

Speaking of Homecoming, I was still a lil upset I missed U of Memphis’s Homecoming, but I heard the mood of it may have changed after the game. My frat did well in the Alumni stepshow, I hope I might be able to step in it next year. But w/ the Homecoming game, we played SMU & lost 42-0. When I heard that result, the 1st thing that came to mind was that scene from School Daze when everyone was at that homecoming game. My 2nd job ends at the end of October, I was planning on going to UAPB Homecoming for the first time in life, yet I already see that all the hotels are booked up, so I may either wait for something to open up or find frat to stay with.

So look like I may got running tonight, I’ve been not running much because of some extra stuff Ive been taking on. Thinking of sneaking out of work a min today for Sonic’s Happy Hour, been drinking water for the day because of last night. I know there’s other stuff Im doing, yet cant think of what it is for now.

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