Friday, September 23, 2011

Troy Davis response

I know that Troy Davis died a few days ago, yet the reason Im talking about this now was that I didn’t want to be like these other people that were putting up these instant responses. I didn’t want to just blurt out the first thought, I wanted to see everything that happens before I say something. Also I wanted to do my research.

I just noticed that a lot of people were comparing this case w/ the Casey Anthony case, saying it was a race thing. Well of course, but it also base on the location of the cases, Davis was in Georgia, Anthony was in Florida. I know that Florida has been notorious for letting certain people go for certain crimes, just look at the Florida Gators & Miami Hurricanes lol. Now w/ Georgia, there have been other cases where race has been questionable:

Genarlow Wilson was sentence to 10 years in prison for statutory rape, and he was 17 years old, and it was video recorded that the girl was willing to perform the act

Frank Hatley was put to jail because of not paying child support, even when the child in question was proven not his

They both were released later on, but it still put questions on how the system in GA was being ran.

I want to also do more research on what he defense had, because the only evidence that was on the table, the witnesses’ testimonies, was said to be tampered with. If it was even rumored that other policemen bullied people into saying that Davis did it, it could have been dismissed, and even the police that did the bullying could have faced disciplinary actions. Did the judge REALLY take in accord that the statements may have been tampered with or forced?? Davis from what I have seen was straight-forward & cooperative, Keep in mind that in Casey Anthony’s case, she lied about some things, people found out she lied about things that happened, and she still got off.

But also with this affecting Obama, even when they said this was a state matter where he couldn’t get to it, and even when Davis was already in jail for 21 years, how will affect Obama in the community?? How many people in the future is gonna look back to this and not only see that Davis, a black man, was killed for a crime he was innocent for, but during that time, there was a black president in office. I know for a fact that there are African Americans that are mad at Obama because they think he could have done something to save Davis’s life. Even w/ the issue w/ state & national laws & courts, would this death affect Obama’s votes for re-election in 2012?

But that’s it for me, just had some things to get off my chest & some random thoughts of this case. The funny thing was that 2 days before the death of Davis, I ran into an old mentor of mine. He's a cop who said he was gonna retire in a few years & want to move to Atlanta so his kids would have a better chance there to be successful there than in Arkansas. Might just talk to him again to see what he thinks.

Have a good weekend, and if you are a black man in or visiting GA, be careful

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