Good day going so far. I thought I would be blogging during my trip, but then again, I enjoyed the time off from even being on the internet or in front of a desk. So me & my family ended up leaving out of Ark that Thursday morning & ended up staying at my grandparents’ house in Missouri City. So that Friday, we ended up going to Galveston, me, my aunt, my sis, and my cousin went to Schlitterbahn waterpark & when that closed we went to the boardwalk where we chilled by the Gulf of Mexico w/ some Taco Bell. Got back to the crib about Midnight Friday night wore out.
So Saturday, I got up, was gonna go to the Texas Greek Picnic, yet had a bunch of family come through & ended up going to see Captain America in 3D and went shopping at the Galleria. On Sunday, me & the fam went to church in Katy, TX, service was good, while waiting on my grandmother get out of an finance meeting, my grandfather talked to me one-on-one. He mentioned to me that he knew I wanted to venture out & better myself, yet he told me to stop using my family in Ark as an excuse to stay. He told me that God would handle them, and it is that time where I have to go forward to continue my self-improvement. He did tell me that Houston had a lot of nice women for me to talk to, might be a sign from me that he may be interested in me moving to Houston. But when we got back to the crib, another aunt of mine wanted to take me & my sis to the Kemah Walkway/Amusement park, we got to ride some of the rides & ate at the Joe’s Crabshack. My aunt that took us here was an alumni of the Univ of Texas – Austin and I might go w/ her on a campus visit if I get the time. Monday, I didn’t really do anything but chilled, my mom & sis got to go to a local morning show & shopping, I caught up w/ my Jerry Springer & Maury lol. But I did go out a bit, went to the nearby gas station, even there I saw some things I didn’t see in Arkansas; Doritos in Spanish w/ super hot flavors, refer smelling incents, and FOUR LOKOS (A drink banned in states including Ark for it being an alcohol/energy drink) so I ended up picking up some of that stuff. Went back to Ark about 6am Tuesday, the ride was shorter because of some bootleg movies I picked up in TX.
But the trip was interesting. I didn’t get to go to the Texas Greek Weekend events, but the time w/ family was much needed, I learned more about them, and they learned more about me. I did mention in an earlier blog that it was over 10 years since I seen/heard from my mom’s dad side of the family. But all those people I missed out to all those years, I wish I got know them earlier yet I see my future w/ them is bright. But I also see about What if Houston would be my destination in the future?? Over a year ago, I was first planning on moving back to Memphis, but I saw that there were issues over there, including the murders, the school lockouts, and certain living situations, and I see that the good people there have made plans to move out of there in a few years. Now w/ Houston, I have both my mom’s side & my dad’s side of the family living there, and there would be opportunities there for a better job & life, hey, its Texas anyway. But I will definitely pray about it & if its in the cards for the move to happen, it will happen.
I'm glad you enjoyed time with your family on your trip. In reference to you moving to Texas: I wish I knew more about the state to offer advice but if you have so many loved ones there and want the change, I'm sure they'd help you adjust. Like you said, the best thing to do is pray about it.