Sunday, May 15, 2011

Doing nothing on this Sunday...................

Still deciding what to do for the rest of this Sunday. Went to church earlier, interesting message that got onto me about my life. Sometimes God may take away some things in our lives to make sure we would stand up to become a leader rather than a follower. I have known a few people that I've had followed in life, yet I understand that whatever and whoever leaves, would I be able to stand on my own two feet. Also on my life, when my father died, it made me wonder even now on myself making a stronger impact as the man of the house & my family. The question is for certain people: If God took away certain stuff you leaned on in life, would you fall or would it make you become a better person who can stand on your own two feet??

Had a good time in Little Rock yesterday, proud of my homeboy for finally making it graduating from college. Me & CW been like brothers, our parents went to school together at HSU, we both were nerds in high school, but now we both have our educations. This is a guy who was diagnosed w/ A.D.D., took him 5 years to finish high school, even before that, his mom had to sit in some of his classes to make sure he act right. The graduation was cool, first time ever going to an HBCU Graduation (Ass for days!!!! lmao) , got to meet with a few of homie's friends before & after graduation, even chatted w/ one of the professors trying to recruit me to move to Little Rock. May just email that prof later on because he wanted me to look at some info for a foundation in the area. But it doe show me there are a better selection of ladies in that area than where Im at in Hot Springs. Had a few intellectual conversations with some good people, something I havent had in a while. Came back home, was supposed to go back out to LR for grad parties, but fell asleep about 10 watching The Closer, woke up around 6

But hopefully Im also planning a summer of studying, I want to try to take the Series 7 Exam later on. Even talking to my mom's friend about getting sponsorship for it (Under their website, I have to be sponsored, no being independent). Been just years of working yet now I want to do something to better myself in life, and a few years away from turning 30.

But yeah, ready for this Game 7 of the Memphis/OKC series to start in a few. Really hoping for Memphis Grizz to pull this off, hopefully try to make it to the NBA Finals. But win or lose, this was a long time coming for the city of Memphis, my 2nd home. Side Note: Already calling for Miami to lose the series w/ Chicago, I always said if Miami wins the NBA Championship, might as well give Soulja Boy a Grammy............

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