Sunday, May 29, 2011

On this Great Sunday...........

Been a min since I did some writing. Im actually in Texarkana, AR, not gonna be back in Hot Springs until Monday evening. Spending the weekend at my aunt's house w/ my mom & sis, my mom didnt want me to get a hotel room cause she said I had 3 relatives that said it was ok for me to stay w/ them.

I'm here for my great-grandmother's funeral, she lived to be 94, she had a great life & she was a christian woman. She also owned a hair shop for a good number of years. It was my mom's dad's mother, so I met a lot of folks in the family I havent seen since my high school days. I've seen mostly my mom's mom's side of the family, yet haven't got to know much of the other side. My grandmother had 3 kids by 3 different men, my mom was the 1st born. Found out I have all this family living in Houston, TX, also about a handfull in Atlanta, GA, one of my cousins work for a place there called Fiore or I think Bel Fiore. I met 2 of my mom's sisters I never knew about. I also met my granddad, havent seen him in about 12 or so years. Never really had a chance to talk to him, but now I see how an amazing man he is. He is a God fearing man, and he makes sure his children are well grounded, but I also learn that he one of those men that has the ability to really see right through people. He was bugging my mom about when she was gonna visit him in Houston, she doesnt know when she would come down, but I told him that I myself would come down and visit. What I may do is go down & visit Houston in August.

Although this was a sad reason for family to travel & come together, Im glad I got to see my extended family. But it also showed me something else; Alot of the family trees I've seen all have strong foundations. Most people I know have grandmothers & older family that have been hard workers & christians & tried to pass down those principles to their kids. I see today that everyone is just having kids & not having nothing going on w/ themselves or their families. The key thing is you have to be the example you want your kids to follow. I see too many parents these days who expect their kids to be good & be hardworkers yet the parents themselves are about nothing. I know my dad was a hard worker and his dad was a hardworker, so Im gonna be that hard worker & I actually want my child to see me & my family as rolemodels, so I know Im not gonna be lazy, because if I am lazy, I'll be a failure to myself and for my future generations.

Hope you have a great weekend & be careful on this great holiday!!

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