Saturday, May 21, 2011

Waiting for the END.............of May 21st, 2011 lol

Just here bored today, all I can really do is eat, workout, read, & clean up. Whats worse is that theres really nothing on TV to watch. May just make it a movie & food night.

I just went on Facebook and saw Lydia Cotton, one of my favorite blogger, showing a video about a writer from New York name Janet Mock, doing a video, admitting she was a transexual. Now seeing her, I thought she was gorgeous, but seeing that she was born a man, I think she still gorgeous, but I most likely wont date her. Im comfortable in my sexuality as a straight man to admit she was fine, yet I know not to mess with her. But the key point of the video is she is living her life to the fullest and she is not being fake about who she is, she's comfortable w/ herself. The one thing about the BGLT community we could all learn from is that when society wants us to be a certain way, we have to be brave to just be ourselves, even when we get criticized for being different.

So they say that today is the day the world is going to end. Notice in the movies & TV a lot of world-ending stuff happens when theres a black president of the US. I can talk all kinds of crap about it, if it happens, it happens, if it dont, it dont. My thing is I feel that God usually deals with us as individuals more than as a group. It just feels like a tarot reading, we want to know when our time is up rather than just let it happen when it happens. I know God has a plan for all of us, but I know God wants us to live life to the fullest, not having to worry about when we gonna die. God wants us to follow him but it dont mean he wants us to stop living period. What if this "warning" never happened?? Oh, you want to see this as a way to get right before our time is up. The thing is we are supposed to be good people this whole time, not when we might face death.

No matter what happens, I'm still gonna be Jarrid E. Johnson, doing what I can to live a positive life & be a positive influence to the people around me, and if people dont like it, thats OK, at least God like me for it....................

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