Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17th 2011-fizzle

Good Evening.............

Been just a bland day today, btw I hate faxing lmao. But here chilling, gonna watch this Mavs vs. Thunder game tonight, I had a brain fart yesterday, when I saw it in the paper, I thought they were paying Mon night instead of tonight. Also right now I'm downloading Raheem Devaughn's new mixtape that just came out, may listen to it later on tonight. But I have noticed I watch less & less TV & twitter, excluding the occasional sports. Miss my Maury & Jerry Springer, yet I know I have better things to do & they dont come on when I get off or on the weekends. Also stopped listening to the radio, can't really understand what they saying anymore, I might go dumb if I keep hearing someone going Bow Bow Bow over & over again.

Had done my morning running, and thought about what if I could go & run a marathon or something like that. So Im looking for one to run in my area, or may look for one in Little Rock for maybe a weekend visit. Maybe something smaller for a beginner, but just want to do it for the heck of it. They say that running is supposed to clear your mind, yet at times it feels like Im having debates with myself. Cant remember what I was thinking this morning, but I may just write stuff down what I think. Memo to self: Put a sign on my wall and fridge saying No Sugar

Still having to book my trip to Conclave in ATL this summer. Dont know if work gonna let me off that weekend, dont want to make it just a Fri-Sun thing and still trying to find a cheap flight on a Wed or Thurs out of Little Rock. If I dont go, I know I can get time off for the Houston Greek Picnic in August.

Also, hearing about the TSU sextape. I havent saw it but I just saw the FAMU sextape a while back. My thing is Why record it & who actually released it??? If it resembled the FAMU tape, bet you its gonna be a crammed dorm room and some of the girls are ugly. BTW, which TSU was it again?? But Im also upset they wanted to showcase HBCUs doing sextapes when I heard a few major schools have been doing them as well, maybe its just a "we need to do better" thing. But I may hear more details later.

Brief, yet just writing, Be Blessed!!!

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