Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy 5/20 *puff* #Dontjudgeme

Just want to go to bed for the rest of the day. My old high school is having their graduation tonight yet Im debating on going, my former coworker's son is graduating, he going to HSU, I would tell him to go to my school Memphis, yet I know they keep hiking that tuition up.

I read some of the articles on Arnold S's (I said Arnold S's because Im too lazy to type the cali governor's last name) issues w/ the child coming out the woodwork. I was wondering: The child is about 13 or 14 yrs old, why they wait to say something now?? Did someone just getting ahold of the story??

Honestly, I dont know how his wife feels, she may have a smiling face now but what does she feel behind closed doors??

It just makes me think of all those wives who have important officials & even famous athletes as their significant others. Some cases the guys will be found cheating and the woman may either take them back or split. My thing is: If you gonna try to work out a relationship after someone cheats, dont try to do it for the wrong reasons. Some women may not split not because they love them, but because the man is famous & became dependent of the other person to where they cant handle being alone. Also, they may worry about what the public thinks, a man that is famous & has money could easily pick up someone else even if he has those "minor" problems. The thing is, if someone is doing you wrong over a certain period of time, you might need to leave. If they continue to have problems being faithful, dont stay. I feel sorry for certain wives of certain officials and athletes, you know your man is cheating but you finding every excuse not to leave. I remember when Kobe cheated, he got his wife a $1M ring just to say Im Sorry, but was that because there may be an idea of her being around just as a trophy & all she cared about was the money?? I mean, how many people own a $1M ring??

I feel there are at least 3 reasons someone could be afraid of leaving a relationship:

1) Fear of being Alone

2) Fear of losing certain things (money, fame, etc............)

3) Fear of Blame ("I dont get dumped, I do the dumping"). I always felt that sometimes a problem last longer than it should because neither side wants to look like the bad guy

But another thing I wonder is if do some of these special wives actually get freaky w/ their husbands. Some seem to act too fancy to throw down in the bedroom, maybe its just me. I also felt that Michelle Obama might be one of the only famous wives to please her husband, I havent heard anything of the prez cheating yet. But these women need to remember, what they wont do, another woman (or man) may do...................

Just me being random, this may sound off in some areas, yet just tired. Feel like making some chicken fajitas from the leftover chicken from last night.


  1. I know exactly what u mean, especially with the reasons why people stay in relationships. One other reason, especially for women, is fear of leaving the significant other (as if he or she could cause them bodily harm).

    And with the getting freaky part, I often wonder if that is just an excuse as to why some men step out. Would you agree that some men also step out in their marriages to get their "egos stroked"? Like feeling insecure about their own performance or shortcomings in other areas of his life and just wanting to feel some type of validation elsewhere? I would really like to hear your opinion on that. Great post! I enjoyed reading it.

  2. Miss Dre, I often think so, yet its also other reasons as well. The main thing is communication, some of us are too prideful in talking about our insecurities. Just feel like at times men & women cheat because we dont fully say what we want in our relationships & sometimes we look at the other person to spice things up rather than spicing things up ourselves

  3. I agree with that. Communication is KEY!
