Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday & Im alive

Just here at work, and just realizing now Im eating a bag of BBQ chips, I wasnt thinking, just picked up the bag in my desk & started eating *throws away*. Usually boring during the 2nd half of the day, downloading Chamillionaire's new mixtape, yet looking for more neo-soul stuff to download.

So pretty much the Memphis Grizz lost Game 7 by 15 pts last night. I know the city of Memphis was sad & a lil upset by yesterday's play, but the fans of this team are still proud of coming so far. This was a team not many people thought would make it past the first round. My only question is how does Rudy Gay feel?? He was injured and not playing during this run, so w/ this team doing this w/o him, will he be able to make the team better w/ his presence next year OR is he tradeable because they accomplished so much in 2011 w/o him?? OJ Mayo & Conley stepped up HUGE this postseason, Mayo making a case to stay in Memphis rather than be traded. I'll say the Mavs will rep the west just because they beat the lakers.

Back to some stuff at hand, I was talking to a co-worker about workout plans & she was talking about her mom's side of the family being obese. My thing is I do often have questions on it & over the last year, I tried to change some stuff about myself, including my eating habits & working out, Including waking up at the crack of dawn to go running every morning. I have opinions yet dont have all the facts on certain conditions. How I often feel on overweight people is that there may be 2 options to things; 1) learn to love yourself as a heavy-set person and/or 2) Learn to exercise & take care of yourself. I know, I know, easier said than done. They have all these new meds that say they can "zap" weight, yet no one mentions about those people who gain weight because they are unhappy with their lives. A lot of people want overnight results rather than be consistent working out, but usually the overnight stuff only works for a short time then the weight re-appears. If you looking to lose weight, you have to plan accordingly & make sure you stick to the plan & realize short-cuts may not be an option. A pet peeve of mine is those people who say "I want to lose weight so I can meet someone" cause usually when they lose weight & find that person, they get lazy & the weight comes back. Big or Small, you gotta learn to love yourself despite what others say & there is someone for everyone, just be patient.

Just my random thoughts for the day. SN: Does anyone want a bag of BBQ chips, Im not eating them???

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