Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Keep forgetting today was Tuesday

Really did not feel like going to work today, but a lot of times if Monday is a holiday, then the work week gonna be shorter. Gonna watch Game 1 of the NBA Finals tonight at home, still a lil tried from traveling this weekend. When I got home yesterday, took a nap yet still had a full night of sleep, just didnt wake up this morning to do my running. Pulling for Dallas to win the NBA Championship, but still a Grizzlies fan.

But based on this weekend, Im still stoked that I got to meet my granddad for the first time in over 12-13 years. But I will definitely be keeping up w/ him. Sunday after doing my last blog, I went to a cookout & me, my mom, & my sis got to talk to him more. Tears were coming out of my mom's eyes while talking to him because its been so long since she really sat down & talked to her dad. It may have been just as personal to me; My dad & my dad's dad died before I hit 11.

So Im somewhat in a situation, if I decide to entertain: On my way out of Texarkana yesterday, I get a call from my cousin that lives in Little Rock. She works at a Walgreens there & she telling me that they are remodeling her store so she claiming they are transferring her to a Walgreens in my city, Hot Springs, which is 45 mins away. You just work as a photo person/cashier, there are at least 11-12 other Walgreens in that city, yet you telling me that they are transferring you 45 mins away because of remodeling??? So hopefully, I'll talk to my other cousin in Hope so I can see if there's anything going on that she not telling me about. Chances are she may be lying to have a reason to leave her "fiancee" at home & try to use me as an excuse to get out. If thats the case, I hate it when people stay w/ someone only until they find something or someone else to get into. Should I just call Bullshit about her transfer or let her stay w/ me?? The key thing is if she wants something from me, I want her to be honest w/ me on whats going on.

But out of here, thinking of ordering a pizza tonight.

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