Sunday, May 22, 2011

My Inner Asshole

So everyone is accounted for on this Sunday, where is Herald Camping so I could holla at him for a min.................

So I saw this video on Youtube, another favorite vid blogger, and he just got me thinking. I really do need to exercise my inner asshole. Just thinking back in certain stuff, including relationships & other things in life, I may have been too nice. Women have been arguing about there is no good men around, yet are women more entertained by the good guy or the guy thats the asshole?? Women can SAY they want a good guy but actions can speak differently especially w/ choosing a certain man. Women can blast men all day long, but who's choosing them and not really getting to know them before laying w/ them?? Women, why do some men become bad?? Because some of us notice that we can have sex & get other stuff w/ certain women sooner as being bad than being good. And I have notice that somehow the good man is looked at as the backup option instead. Here's a story that happened to me a couple of years ago:

I was cool w/ a girl named Samantha in high school, she was a grade under me, but then she moved to Kansas City w/ her family. Fast forward to 2007, I saw her on MySpace & she now a model, I was gonna visit her city because of my frat's regionals, send 2 msgs to her, yet never heard from her. Then around late 2008/early 2009, Sam hits me up on facebook. Now she talking about how she had a crush on me when I was in high school, and she was having problems w/ her babydaddy in KC. I should have been like why didnt you hit me up in 07 but I listened, but now she hasnt said much to me anymore.

But thinking about it now, maybe I really didnt use my inner asshole to save my last relationship. I was accused of being boring, and a lot of stuff I talked about went over her head. I dont really talked to my ex anymore because if she felt I was boring, then she doesnt have to worry about me anymore. Im just working on my inner asshole, still gonna be me, but not being a fullblown asshole, but to where I can be unpredictable & not a walkover.

But being an asshole doesnt just go for relationships or meeting women, but also other aspects. Going to the Univ of Memphis, Coach Cal was one of my favorite coaches on the scene. On campus, a lot of people said Coach Cal was an asshole to people, but he got the job done w/ the bball team.

OK, Im done & Im out, The Bulls better win this game tonight, not really a Bulls fan, but Im just pulling for them in my predicted bracket. Listening to some Gary Taylor to ease me up a bit.

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