Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oh My Damn.................

Seem like hell did a relocation lol. But really, when June 1st hit, it HIT. Checked the weather, High of 90+ degrees all this week. Hope everyone drinks water & hope no one passes out, its just the beginning. Im about to punck this computer because it can't make up its mind on when its gonna finish downloading this mixtape, one min its saying 30 min, the next an hour, then back to 30 mins. I somehow went Downtown twice this morning before noon, once was for running, then on my way to work, found someone's Bank of America debit card, so I dropped it off at that bank.

Dallas needs to come on if they want to win this series. Its just Game 1, but you let Lebron & dem have an inch, they might take that mile & more. Peja, where were you in Game 1?? Also, Dallas needs to get it together in the paint, Tyson C. only had 4 rebounds.

I blogged yesterday about the issue I was having w/ my cousin in Lil Rock, some new discoveries have been made. I have a cousin in Hope, AR that has contacted me about what was going on, he told me she CHOSE to transfer to the Walgreens in Hot Springs, they didnt just put her there for no reason. In fact, he told me she was offered a position in SW Little Rock. Also he telling me that the remodeling for the store (if any) would take more than a month if its really happening. So as far as I know, she not gonna be staying w/ me, I can be the bad cousin & she might snitch about me, but w/ telling 2 diff things to 2 diff people about whats going on, Im putting my foot down & she wont be at my home until I know 100% on whats really going on.

But really nothing much else planned for this weekend. My mom sent me an email about a possible family get-together in Houston next month. Really thinking of going, everything is not 100% planned for this summer. But this weather already got me drained, wheres my water & my bed??

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