So there was some things that I wanted to get done this weekend yet still have to wait until either Mon or Tues. I was supposed to have mowed my mom's lawn yet the person who was supposed to fix the lawnmower had it & forgot to return it to my mom on Saturday, and because its raining today, I cant do it now. But I almost lost my cool last night, my homeboy calls me up & tells me he was having a problem w/ putting his Satellite TV on a new big screen. So I went by last night, he didnt have the box hooked up, but he had his xbox hooked up to it, I hooked the cable box up yet it didn't pick up the cable because it was moved & needed the satellites to reset. In comes his mom, Im cool w/ his mom, yet I saw she was being impatient. I had to tell her 4x that it wasn't the TV that couldnt get the cable but it was the box. I was explaining what was going on yet I could tell that she had no patience & wanted to do things her way, even when they called me to come over & help. I held my tongue but I got on my phone and tweeted: I dont like to f***ing repeat myself!!! Which I may look back & think my bad but at least I held my tongue. So she ends up wanting to call the serviceman, I gotten everything set up, the ONLY thing was that the satellites needed to re-align to the cable box because the box was moved. But I also found out last night my homeboy finally gotten a new job. He is working now as a maintenance person at a nearby hotel. This was the same hotel my mom warned me about that some people told me that they were quick to hire minorities to run cleaning or maintenance positions, yet will turn them away for more important & visible things. I know its small for a college graduate, but hopefully he can get something out of this in the long run.
So all I have today is church & having to put a new bed together, just trying to do as much cleaning as I can before I leave this Wed. I was just online on twitter & saw a reminder of the TGP's Stepshow Afterparty/Saks Fifth Party in Houston Friday night, already made my RSVP for it today.
So w/ Day 13 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, Its a song thats a guilty pleasure. Nothing really came to my head but maybe this would be something.
Luda - P-Popping
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
God’s message this morning
Was planning to go somewhere last night, yet I fell asleep early last night. My alarm went off early this morning, I have it set EARLY so I can go run every morning, but usually I try to have my alarm off the night before so I can sleep in on Saturday. But it did go off this Saturday morning, so for some reason I just got up and did some running this morning. Usually when I run, I just have all these thoughts going through my head. But almost getting done w/ my workout, I passed this married couple. The woman said “excuse me sir” and I turned around and she really was talking to me. At first I thought it was someone that may have recognized me yet it wasn’t really that. The woman told me that God put something in her heart to tell me something. She said that God said just keep focusing on him, don’t worry about other people’s opinions, God knows Im trying to be a good person in life, yet just focus on him & don’t really worry about looking good for people.
But it just made me think. Are we more focused on impressing people or are we more focused on living a good life & pleasing God?? I know some of us are successful w/ what we do, but is it what God calls for us to do?? Even when some of us going to work out & stuff, are we working out to look good in front people or we get fit because we know we have to live a healthy lifestyle?? Even when we tweet on twitter, do we really say whats on our mind or we say what people want us to say?? I just think that one of the easiest traps we will see in our lives is when we want to please & look good in front of people, even when its subconsciously. I learned a long time ago, if you doing something for people's approval, you end up being dependent of them & may not be able to think for yourself. A lot of people say “I don’t care what others think” but are they just saying it to look a certain way to other people?? Just sharing some things today, but I think we all need to have those times where we need to just sit down & ask outselves “The things I do & the things I like, do I like it because I look good for people & other people like this, or is it because this is what God has for me & Im doing something to better myself & this is a part of ME??”
But it just made me think. Are we more focused on impressing people or are we more focused on living a good life & pleasing God?? I know some of us are successful w/ what we do, but is it what God calls for us to do?? Even when some of us going to work out & stuff, are we working out to look good in front people or we get fit because we know we have to live a healthy lifestyle?? Even when we tweet on twitter, do we really say whats on our mind or we say what people want us to say?? I just think that one of the easiest traps we will see in our lives is when we want to please & look good in front of people, even when its subconsciously. I learned a long time ago, if you doing something for people's approval, you end up being dependent of them & may not be able to think for yourself. A lot of people say “I don’t care what others think” but are they just saying it to look a certain way to other people?? Just sharing some things today, but I think we all need to have those times where we need to just sit down & ask outselves “The things I do & the things I like, do I like it because I look good for people & other people like this, or is it because this is what God has for me & Im doing something to better myself & this is a part of ME??”
30 Day Song Challenge - Day 12
Good Morning!! Just got out the shower & actually chilling, gotten my workout done earlier. Hopefully gonna head out to my mom's house later on to help mow the lawn. Im helping her clean the house because she wants it clean while she leaves, me, mom, & sis all riding together to Houston this week, making it a family thing. I'll go to some of the festivities, and my mom & sis will be going out shopping w/ the other family.
Now w/ Day 12, Its a song from a band I hate, but Im having a hard time choosing because I really dont like many of them these days. I'll go w/ the New Boyz on this one. Just looking at the video, I know their clothing go a lil back to the LL Cool J days, but is it excusable?? And its just the dance, just walking backwards while standing still. And they just call themselves New Boyz, riiiiiiiiiiight, so what are they gonna be called a few years from now?? They gonna have a song called New Song?? lol
New Boyz – You’re a Jerk
Im about to put up another blog, just something I experience this morning
Now w/ Day 12, Its a song from a band I hate, but Im having a hard time choosing because I really dont like many of them these days. I'll go w/ the New Boyz on this one. Just looking at the video, I know their clothing go a lil back to the LL Cool J days, but is it excusable?? And its just the dance, just walking backwards while standing still. And they just call themselves New Boyz, riiiiiiiiiiight, so what are they gonna be called a few years from now?? They gonna have a song called New Song?? lol
New Boyz – You’re a Jerk
Im about to put up another blog, just something I experience this morning
Friday, July 29, 2011
Eddie Long's 5th/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 11
Honestly, I will never buy skittles after seeing this..........
But its been a good Friday today. Thinking of just locking myself in the house this weekend, just do some reading & working out, already was invited to another get-together yet they still deciding the address for it. So pretty much after today, I'll be off this weekend, then work on Mon & Tues, then off for 7 days for my trip. But still having to get some work done on my computer so I wont play catchup when I get back.
So last night I was looking through the news and I saw that they found a guy that they said was Eddie Long's 5th male he had sexual relations with. Dude really looks like Nene Leakes from Housewives of ATL & The dude even had a tattoo of Eddie Long's name on his wrist. My thing is I know he's tilting on guilty, even paid that multi-million dollar suit. At one point, I thought the gay community of ATL was setting Long up because he was a well known pastor running a program that was trying to convert homosexuals into straight people but its just me thinking. It just feels strange saying the name Eddie Long now for some reason. But its also on what we all learn about being in the church. Even growing up in the church myself, I have seen when people in the church messed up & others just judged them. We have to remember that in life, its not about the relationship between you & the church, but between you & God, because you never know what could happen in a building.
Now with Day 11 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, its A song from my favorite band. At first I was gonna cheat by saying a single person, but it would be a valid cheat w/ me not knowing many good groups these days, so Im going w/ The Fugees, their 1st album. But knowing me, I'm not going to use the Fu-Ge-La song, but my favorite one off the album (Trust me, this track goes in!!!).
Fugees - Zealots
But its been a good Friday today. Thinking of just locking myself in the house this weekend, just do some reading & working out, already was invited to another get-together yet they still deciding the address for it. So pretty much after today, I'll be off this weekend, then work on Mon & Tues, then off for 7 days for my trip. But still having to get some work done on my computer so I wont play catchup when I get back.
So last night I was looking through the news and I saw that they found a guy that they said was Eddie Long's 5th male he had sexual relations with. Dude really looks like Nene Leakes from Housewives of ATL & The dude even had a tattoo of Eddie Long's name on his wrist. My thing is I know he's tilting on guilty, even paid that multi-million dollar suit. At one point, I thought the gay community of ATL was setting Long up because he was a well known pastor running a program that was trying to convert homosexuals into straight people but its just me thinking. It just feels strange saying the name Eddie Long now for some reason. But its also on what we all learn about being in the church. Even growing up in the church myself, I have seen when people in the church messed up & others just judged them. We have to remember that in life, its not about the relationship between you & the church, but between you & God, because you never know what could happen in a building.
Now with Day 11 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, its A song from my favorite band. At first I was gonna cheat by saying a single person, but it would be a valid cheat w/ me not knowing many good groups these days, so Im going w/ The Fugees, their 1st album. But knowing me, I'm not going to use the Fu-Ge-La song, but my favorite one off the album (Trust me, this track goes in!!!).
Fugees - Zealots
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Random Thoughts/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 10
2 Thoughts for today:
I have been doing some job hunting the past few months, so my resume is out Everywhere. Yet I try to determine how do jobs really turn people down. If there is an opening, and someone applies for it, AND you interview them, do they often avoid those people that they say no to?? I remember back in April I was applying for a position at another company. This company had me in for 4 days, including assessments, background checks, and interviewed w/ 3 different people. Yet they never even called me back after putting me through all that, but I did write saying thanks for the interview.
Also, this has been something I've notice. If I ever just talk anything about relationships, Its mostly what I been involved with or what I observe in others. I've seen & heard countless advice for relationships, yet why don't many people talk about working on yourself BEFORE getting into a relationship?? I swear some people think they need a relationship to help their image, but its making sure you are that complete person before you jump into one.
Now for the 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 10, a song that makes me fall asleep. Im more of a jazz person when I go to bed, like a Craig Cooper, Norman Brown, those types. I will prolly go with this one, hears it first when I was in the 8-9th grade, could put me in that peaceful state to fall asleep on. *looking on Youtube* Ok I was gonna put up Ben Tankard's No Words Necessary, but they dont have that, so instead, I also go to sleep on some slow Janet Jackson songs as well.
Janet Jackson - Come Back to Me
I have been doing some job hunting the past few months, so my resume is out Everywhere. Yet I try to determine how do jobs really turn people down. If there is an opening, and someone applies for it, AND you interview them, do they often avoid those people that they say no to?? I remember back in April I was applying for a position at another company. This company had me in for 4 days, including assessments, background checks, and interviewed w/ 3 different people. Yet they never even called me back after putting me through all that, but I did write saying thanks for the interview.
Also, this has been something I've notice. If I ever just talk anything about relationships, Its mostly what I been involved with or what I observe in others. I've seen & heard countless advice for relationships, yet why don't many people talk about working on yourself BEFORE getting into a relationship?? I swear some people think they need a relationship to help their image, but its making sure you are that complete person before you jump into one.
Now for the 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 10, a song that makes me fall asleep. Im more of a jazz person when I go to bed, like a Craig Cooper, Norman Brown, those types. I will prolly go with this one, hears it first when I was in the 8-9th grade, could put me in that peaceful state to fall asleep on. *looking on Youtube* Ok I was gonna put up Ben Tankard's No Words Necessary, but they dont have that, so instead, I also go to sleep on some slow Janet Jackson songs as well.
Janet Jackson - Come Back to Me
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
My not really gonna be dating situation/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 9
I'm seriously trying to keep from being brain dead today. Fell asleep last night about 11pm & woke up around 3:30am, went running right when I woke up. Had a meeting this morning & pretty much on my feet for most of the day. Also heard from someone that I might be moved to a different department at work, if I do, the trip to Houston might be questionable for next week, I still havent got my tix to TGP.
So that girl that tried to holla at me?? I somehow ran into her yesterday. I told her that 1) I really wasnt ready to date yet & 2) My homeboy told me that he tried to holla at her not long ago. She was telling me that she found out he had issues, including when he can't get along w/ his mom, and she claimed he cussed her out when she told him no. Like I said earlier, she came onto me & gave me her # yet I haven't call, she is 3 years older than me, & has a 4 year old son living in another city. Honestly, Im not really feeling her yet & would feel a lil strange to go out w/ a girl that my close friend tried to holla at.
Now with 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 9, Its a song that I could dance to. If I was going back to the clubs, what song(s) would I be dancing to?? Last time I been to a club (excluding this past weekend for that bday party) I think was May 2010 in Memphis. I have thought of 2 & here they are (Its my blog dammit!!! lmao), One for to get crunk on, another when I getting it on w/ a lady.
All-Star f/ Gucci Mane - I go Ham
Adina Howard - TShirt & Panties On
So that girl that tried to holla at me?? I somehow ran into her yesterday. I told her that 1) I really wasnt ready to date yet & 2) My homeboy told me that he tried to holla at her not long ago. She was telling me that she found out he had issues, including when he can't get along w/ his mom, and she claimed he cussed her out when she told him no. Like I said earlier, she came onto me & gave me her # yet I haven't call, she is 3 years older than me, & has a 4 year old son living in another city. Honestly, Im not really feeling her yet & would feel a lil strange to go out w/ a girl that my close friend tried to holla at.
Now with 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 9, Its a song that I could dance to. If I was going back to the clubs, what song(s) would I be dancing to?? Last time I been to a club (excluding this past weekend for that bday party) I think was May 2010 in Memphis. I have thought of 2 & here they are (Its my blog dammit!!! lmao), One for to get crunk on, another when I getting it on w/ a lady.
All-Star f/ Gucci Mane - I go Ham
Adina Howard - TShirt & Panties On
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Rex Ryan's Book/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 8

One of the key things I do when I choose books to read, 2 things come to mind: 1) Subjects that I like and 2) Something I might learn from. This book has both, sports & knowledge. It may be by a NFL Coach, but I really think dude is smart. He does describe his background, even his father & brother were coaches in the NFL, so its in the blood but he still had to put in work. Two things I got out of it: One, Don’t try to take major leads in life if you don’t have major goals & ready to put in major work. Ryan said he joined the Jets & aiming to win a championship EVERY season. Two, just be honest with the people around you. We keep forgetting there are still people these days that can see through bullshit. Although it relates to sports, its a good read for both males & females because of the lessons he tells through his experiences. His brother Rob is now the Defensive Coordinator w/ my team the Dallas Cowboys, hope he brings that fire & passion as well.
Interesting quote:
“I get so freaking tired of coaches who try to downplay expectations. You know what they’re really doing?? They’re trying to cover their ass in case what they said the first time doesn’t work out so that they have excuses. I came here to win titles”
On Day 8 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, It’s a song that I know all the lyrics to. I remember when I heard this song back in 6th grade. I’ve recently heard the song again, and I still know the lyrics despite it being a long time hearing it. I think I got their CD in my room buried somewhere.
Crucial Conflict - Hay
Monday, July 25, 2011
Take sis to work day/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 7
So yeah, me & sis here at work chilling. She had her high school freshman orientation today so I went & picked her up. We went to the library & talked to them about buying an ad for my sister's cheerleader squad, but because of the other high schools in the area, they claimed they didnt want to play favorites. But I'll be back for them. So sis is just here w/ me until I get off. If anyone wants to buy an ad that will be featured in her high school's football programs this fall, just hit me up here, facebook, or even twitter.
I meant to say, Saturday I ended up not really moving stuff, but painting some outside ramps & having to pull some outside carpet to make way for some new carpet coming for them this week. Remember in a previous blog I told you I had a girl hit on me a few days ago?? I talked to my homeboy about it & I found out he knew the girl, the girl was in rehab & might be a prostitute. Key thing here: Whenever you are in a small town, and someone tries to holla at you, chances are someone else have known her first, thats why you might need to ask around before going forward.
But I ended up hitting that 2nd BBQ last night, or should I say party. Because of the weather, they moved it to a later time & moved it inside a club, but there was free food & beer there. I thought I would just stop by & get a plate, but found myself not being at home until about 2:30am, but I was still able to make it in this morning.
Now with Day 7 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, it has to be a song that reminds me of an event. I remember back in Spring 2007, my last semester in undergrad, I was talking to some friends in a facebook group called BGLO Stereotypes. We all were in different locations yet we decided we would all meet up in ATL in June for the Atlanta Greek Picnic. I remember everytime I went to the AGP website, they had this instrumental of this song playing on the website. So its like everytime I listen to it, it reminds me of how me & my greek friends kicked it in the ATL for that hot ass weekend.
2pac - I wonder if Heaven got a Ghetto
I meant to say, Saturday I ended up not really moving stuff, but painting some outside ramps & having to pull some outside carpet to make way for some new carpet coming for them this week. Remember in a previous blog I told you I had a girl hit on me a few days ago?? I talked to my homeboy about it & I found out he knew the girl, the girl was in rehab & might be a prostitute. Key thing here: Whenever you are in a small town, and someone tries to holla at you, chances are someone else have known her first, thats why you might need to ask around before going forward.
But I ended up hitting that 2nd BBQ last night, or should I say party. Because of the weather, they moved it to a later time & moved it inside a club, but there was free food & beer there. I thought I would just stop by & get a plate, but found myself not being at home until about 2:30am, but I was still able to make it in this morning.
Now with Day 7 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, it has to be a song that reminds me of an event. I remember back in Spring 2007, my last semester in undergrad, I was talking to some friends in a facebook group called BGLO Stereotypes. We all were in different locations yet we decided we would all meet up in ATL in June for the Atlanta Greek Picnic. I remember everytime I went to the AGP website, they had this instrumental of this song playing on the website. So its like everytime I listen to it, it reminds me of how me & my greek friends kicked it in the ATL for that hot ass weekend.
2pac - I wonder if Heaven got a Ghetto
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Humidity/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 6
This humidity making no sense, sweating w/o the sun around............
This have been a busy weekend so far, & still got stuff to do today. A lil hungover from last night's festivities, ran into a old coworker yesterday morning & she invited me to her house for a BBQ, I went and it was basically all the free food & drinks you can have, but I did bring a bottle of vodka for her & her guest. Got back in the house last night about 3 or so. I know I had gotten an invite for another BBQ thats gonna happen later on today.
Now w/ Song Challenge - Day 6, its on a song that reminds me of somewhere. This song came out 2 years ago, when it came out, ironically I was getting ready for Sigma Conclave in New Orleans. Maybe its that clarinet in the song or something, but just hearing it reminds me of one of the greatest places on earth
Jay-Z - D.O.A.
Also I do want to say R.I.P. Amy Winehouse. If this was a death related to her issues w/ drugs & etc, than I do wonder about What If. From what I heard, people already been knowing of her addictions & been talking about it, yet I really dont know how many people told her she needed to stop what she was doing. If you know someone that is going through something, sometimes you may need to put feelings aside & say what need to be said, even when the other person's life is in the balance.
This have been a busy weekend so far, & still got stuff to do today. A lil hungover from last night's festivities, ran into a old coworker yesterday morning & she invited me to her house for a BBQ, I went and it was basically all the free food & drinks you can have, but I did bring a bottle of vodka for her & her guest. Got back in the house last night about 3 or so. I know I had gotten an invite for another BBQ thats gonna happen later on today.
Now w/ Song Challenge - Day 6, its on a song that reminds me of somewhere. This song came out 2 years ago, when it came out, ironically I was getting ready for Sigma Conclave in New Orleans. Maybe its that clarinet in the song or something, but just hearing it reminds me of one of the greatest places on earth
Jay-Z - D.O.A.
Also I do want to say R.I.P. Amy Winehouse. If this was a death related to her issues w/ drugs & etc, than I do wonder about What If. From what I heard, people already been knowing of her addictions & been talking about it, yet I really dont know how many people told her she needed to stop what she was doing. If you know someone that is going through something, sometimes you may need to put feelings aside & say what need to be said, even when the other person's life is in the balance.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Early in the Morning/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 5
Up earlier than usual on a Saturday yet just up this morning going to help a friend out moving some stuff. Strangely, they moving & fixing stuff in the house to where they are making the dining room into a bedroom, there's about 4 people living in that house.
Now on 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 5, its on a song that reminds you of someone. To me its more or a group of people, my frat in Memphis. When this song hits, we all on the floor. Shoutout to my undergrad chapter Delta Nu of Phi Beta Sigma Frat, Inc & all the frat across the land!!!
Lil Scrappy - Head Bussa
Now on 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 5, its on a song that reminds you of someone. To me its more or a group of people, my frat in Memphis. When this song hits, we all on the floor. Shoutout to my undergrad chapter Delta Nu of Phi Beta Sigma Frat, Inc & all the frat across the land!!!
Lil Scrappy - Head Bussa
Friday, July 22, 2011
Freaknic Friday/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 4
Had a moment w/ a dirty mind earlier: I still going running every morning. When I do, I run past this church every morning. I pass it one day this week & it had the sign saying “God doesn’t answer to Email, but he answers to Knee Mail”. Why was the first thought I had in mind was “Yes, I answer to Knee Mail too”??
Interesting thing happened last night: The library called me earlier in the day yesterday & said that they had a new release for me ready to pick up. Why go to redbox when I can get the same new titles from the library for free?? While there, I sat down & was reading some stuff in some of the papers when this lady sat down beside me doing the same thing. She then passes me a note talking about how my girl let me out the house & on how cute I was. I told her I was single & we went back & forth w/ a few notes. She was aiight, not fully cute. She then gives me her number & tells me to call her anytime. She first gave me a name but then gave me her “real” name when she gave the number. She told me she was 3 years older than me & that she has a 4 year old son living in north Arkansas. Don’t know about calling her just yet of even if I should.
But I finally got to sit down & watch Cedar Rapids, it had Ed Helms (Stu from The Hangover) and John C. Reilly (Will Ferrell’s Co-star on Talladega Nights & Stepbrothers). It was about this guy that heads out to Iowa for a Insurance salesman conference & just had a wild time while there. The movie was funny, worth buying & watching, the only thing was it wasn’t as funny as The Hangover , or Talledega Nights. I would say if they brought this movie in BEFORE any of those Will Ferrell movies or Hangover movies, it would have been a whole lot funnier. You can tell Reilly is really pushing himself out of Ferrell's shadow. Don't know if you want to watch this w/ the kids, has plenty of drinking & drugs in it.
Now with 30 Day Song Challenge – Day 4, it’s a song that makes me sad. Now there was this one song I know of even as a child, when I heard it, I just cried at times, its hard to explain.
BeBe & CeCe Winans -It's OK
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Interesting thing happened last night: The library called me earlier in the day yesterday & said that they had a new release for me ready to pick up. Why go to redbox when I can get the same new titles from the library for free?? While there, I sat down & was reading some stuff in some of the papers when this lady sat down beside me doing the same thing. She then passes me a note talking about how my girl let me out the house & on how cute I was. I told her I was single & we went back & forth w/ a few notes. She was aiight, not fully cute. She then gives me her number & tells me to call her anytime. She first gave me a name but then gave me her “real” name when she gave the number. She told me she was 3 years older than me & that she has a 4 year old son living in north Arkansas. Don’t know about calling her just yet of even if I should.
But I finally got to sit down & watch Cedar Rapids, it had Ed Helms (Stu from The Hangover) and John C. Reilly (Will Ferrell’s Co-star on Talladega Nights & Stepbrothers). It was about this guy that heads out to Iowa for a Insurance salesman conference & just had a wild time while there. The movie was funny, worth buying & watching, the only thing was it wasn’t as funny as The Hangover , or Talledega Nights. I would say if they brought this movie in BEFORE any of those Will Ferrell movies or Hangover movies, it would have been a whole lot funnier. You can tell Reilly is really pushing himself out of Ferrell's shadow. Don't know if you want to watch this w/ the kids, has plenty of drinking & drugs in it.
Now with 30 Day Song Challenge – Day 4, it’s a song that makes me sad. Now there was this one song I know of even as a child, when I heard it, I just cried at times, its hard to explain.
BeBe & CeCe Winans -It's OK
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
TGIT or TGIFE/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 3
Hot Day, Hot Day, Hot Day, would take my shirt off yet dont want the ladies to fall out from my hotness LMAO...........
I thank God for work having an AC.......
Just started to check out this coverage of Obama trying to find a solution to this Debt crisis in the US. I notice that a lot of people trying to jump on him, but why jump on him for something that other presidents have swept under the rug?? It does prove at times that when some people do say something about a problem no one else is trying to fix, they tend to get wrongfully blasted. I fully dont know if Obama's plan gonna work just yet, yet I'll give him credit for some type of effort. How as a country we gonna coach people about not being in debt yet our government is in debt itself??
In other news, in less than 48 hours, Im just finding out that Trey Songs in Texas Chainsaw 3D, Freddy Krueger is gonna be in Mortal Kombat, & Robin Williams in the new Batman movie, didnt see any of this coming
My little sister's Cheerleader Squad is selling ads for the Hot Springs High Football programs this fall. If you or anyone knows of a business that interested in their name out there, let me know, email is
But just a lil joke from my sister last night:
A man goes to a store & buys a lying machine, every time someone lies, the machine slaps them. So he goes home & tries it out on his son. "Son, did you go to school today??" Son replies Yes but the machine slaps him. The father asks again & the son says he went to the movies. "What did you see?" said the father. The son said Toy Story & the machine slapped him. The father ask the question again & the son said he went to see a porn flick. The father said "WHAT?? I have never even seen or heard porn when I was your age", Then the machine slaps the father. The mother hears the whole thing & says "Hahahahaha, yup he is your son." The machine slaps the mother..........
With the song challenge today, its about the song that makes me happy, I usually have different ones but the one that does it for me consistently is a throwback one I heard from an old movie.
Issac Hayes – CafĂ© Regio
I thank God for work having an AC.......
Just started to check out this coverage of Obama trying to find a solution to this Debt crisis in the US. I notice that a lot of people trying to jump on him, but why jump on him for something that other presidents have swept under the rug?? It does prove at times that when some people do say something about a problem no one else is trying to fix, they tend to get wrongfully blasted. I fully dont know if Obama's plan gonna work just yet, yet I'll give him credit for some type of effort. How as a country we gonna coach people about not being in debt yet our government is in debt itself??
In other news, in less than 48 hours, Im just finding out that Trey Songs in Texas Chainsaw 3D, Freddy Krueger is gonna be in Mortal Kombat, & Robin Williams in the new Batman movie, didnt see any of this coming
My little sister's Cheerleader Squad is selling ads for the Hot Springs High Football programs this fall. If you or anyone knows of a business that interested in their name out there, let me know, email is
But just a lil joke from my sister last night:
A man goes to a store & buys a lying machine, every time someone lies, the machine slaps them. So he goes home & tries it out on his son. "Son, did you go to school today??" Son replies Yes but the machine slaps him. The father asks again & the son says he went to the movies. "What did you see?" said the father. The son said Toy Story & the machine slapped him. The father ask the question again & the son said he went to see a porn flick. The father said "WHAT?? I have never even seen or heard porn when I was your age", Then the machine slaps the father. The mother hears the whole thing & says "Hahahahaha, yup he is your son." The machine slaps the mother..........
With the song challenge today, its about the song that makes me happy, I usually have different ones but the one that does it for me consistently is a throwback one I heard from an old movie.
Issac Hayes – CafĂ© Regio
Issac Hayes,
Trey Songz
Life of the Cell Phone
So I was talking to a friend of mine, he had this touch screen that wasn’t working for him. He kept arguing about it from time to time . One day I just up & asked him Have you got the phone checked out by the store?? He tells me no & I told him to just go get it checked out. A few days later, he goes to the store, the phone gets fixed, all it needed was an update.
If not many of you know, over a a year ago, I used to work as a lab trainer for sprint customer service. Although Im long gone, I still respect the people that work there. But I just wanted to share some things that I learned that might help some people out:
Read your manual. Some of us have it where we just get it right out the box & play w/ it, but there may be things you don’t know of that phone.
READ YOUR BILL!!! I remember I had a lot of people call about why their bill was high when they had their bill sent to them all along. If you decide to get your bill through email or you want go paperless, its still your responsibility to know how much you owe & the company was more than happy to give you that breakdown in writing
If you ever start your service for the first time, you may see that the bill is high & you see part of the bill & a month in advance. Think of it like rent for an apartment, usually there will be a pro-ration charge & you may be paying a month in advance each month
If you have multiple lines, pay attention to who uses the phones on your account. I remember I had one woman who tried to argue w/ the phone company because her child in college downloaded games w/o her knowing, which brings me to………
If you have kids w/ cell phones on your plan, PLEASE watch them, and if you see charges on their phone #, hold them accountable, don’t blast the phone company.
If you have insurance on your phone, its like auto insurance, you might have a deductible, cost depending on the phone. I remember that the higher price phone may require an Affidavit or proof you went to the police, some people may get mad about that, but why would you not want to go to the police about a stolen $400-500 phone???
If the store tells you to call the phone company’s service to receive a credit, chances are they are just trying to wash their hands. Most of the time the store has the ability to give you that credit at the store, they just don’t want the credit to go against them. Usually there is a communication gap between The store, telecommunications, and customer service. If any of the 3 promises you something, remember to get their names & if they say that someone else is going to give it, ask them why they cant do it & you might need to talk to their manager for promising something they themselves cant give you
I Highly recommend testing out phones at the store before you decide to buy online or over the phone
If something does happen to your phone, CALL ASAP, the phone company may help w/ the problem, yet may not take responsibility for the time you waited to call a problem in.
Finally, make sure you research the service before you actually take it. People often will say their service is bad yet they will love their phone, almost like being in a relationship w/ a bad person but you sticking around because of the good sex. Be honest w/ yourself, if you can’t afford the service, go prepaid. Its better to have a prepaid phone that’s gonna stay on than it is to have a big time company cut you off at anytime.
But I do respect the people that do customer service over the phone, even when some outside people say they bad sometimes. And some people dont even know what these people go through. Did you know that usually when a new phone comes out, the company may train the reps in one day, yet the rep may never even get to touch the new phone?? The company's "logo" was The Only Thing Constant is Change" yet I saw because they changed their minds about a lot of things & not much was in concrete. Although I left, some of the people there was just on my mind. Have a nice day............
If not many of you know, over a a year ago, I used to work as a lab trainer for sprint customer service. Although Im long gone, I still respect the people that work there. But I just wanted to share some things that I learned that might help some people out:
Read your manual. Some of us have it where we just get it right out the box & play w/ it, but there may be things you don’t know of that phone.
READ YOUR BILL!!! I remember I had a lot of people call about why their bill was high when they had their bill sent to them all along. If you decide to get your bill through email or you want go paperless, its still your responsibility to know how much you owe & the company was more than happy to give you that breakdown in writing
If you ever start your service for the first time, you may see that the bill is high & you see part of the bill & a month in advance. Think of it like rent for an apartment, usually there will be a pro-ration charge & you may be paying a month in advance each month
If you have multiple lines, pay attention to who uses the phones on your account. I remember I had one woman who tried to argue w/ the phone company because her child in college downloaded games w/o her knowing, which brings me to………
If you have kids w/ cell phones on your plan, PLEASE watch them, and if you see charges on their phone #, hold them accountable, don’t blast the phone company.
If you have insurance on your phone, its like auto insurance, you might have a deductible, cost depending on the phone. I remember that the higher price phone may require an Affidavit or proof you went to the police, some people may get mad about that, but why would you not want to go to the police about a stolen $400-500 phone???
If the store tells you to call the phone company’s service to receive a credit, chances are they are just trying to wash their hands. Most of the time the store has the ability to give you that credit at the store, they just don’t want the credit to go against them. Usually there is a communication gap between The store, telecommunications, and customer service. If any of the 3 promises you something, remember to get their names & if they say that someone else is going to give it, ask them why they cant do it & you might need to talk to their manager for promising something they themselves cant give you
I Highly recommend testing out phones at the store before you decide to buy online or over the phone
If something does happen to your phone, CALL ASAP, the phone company may help w/ the problem, yet may not take responsibility for the time you waited to call a problem in.
Finally, make sure you research the service before you actually take it. People often will say their service is bad yet they will love their phone, almost like being in a relationship w/ a bad person but you sticking around because of the good sex. Be honest w/ yourself, if you can’t afford the service, go prepaid. Its better to have a prepaid phone that’s gonna stay on than it is to have a big time company cut you off at anytime.
But I do respect the people that do customer service over the phone, even when some outside people say they bad sometimes. And some people dont even know what these people go through. Did you know that usually when a new phone comes out, the company may train the reps in one day, yet the rep may never even get to touch the new phone?? The company's "logo" was The Only Thing Constant is Change" yet I saw because they changed their minds about a lot of things & not much was in concrete. Although I left, some of the people there was just on my mind. Have a nice day............
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Live humping on Wed/ 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 2
So I had an ok night, except I fell asleep last night & woke up around 3ish. Got to talk to my lil sis yesterday, she now telling me my old coach has been trying to get her to talk to me w/ helping out the football team this fall. I was a former outside linebacker so I hope coach still runs the same system as when I left almost 10 years ago (I played in both a 4-3 and a 3-4 defense). But I was supposed to have watched Cedar Rapids last night but fell asleep. I woke up & had a craving for green beans & potatoes so I cooked that & watched Dazed & Confused, nothing really was on tv.
So Im hearing that one year from today, The Dark Knight Rises comes out, I wonder if it can top the last Batman, remember, dude actually killed himself just so he could play that role of the Joker. Just seen the trailer, I had to wipe my glasses but did I see Robin Williams in the movie?? And I also seeing they are bringing Morgan Freeman's character back as well, I thought he quit.
New Batman Trailer
So w/ the 30 Day Song Challenge (Day 2), It has to be the least fav song. 2 came to mind, one was call What What in the Butt, I heard it on South Park w/ the kids, but then someone told me it was an actual song & pulled it up on youtube. The other was one I slipped up on while watching BET Uncut. Its basically a mixed guy talking about being w/ white girls:
Mighty Casey - White Girls
Hope the rest of the day goes well. Gotten a call from mom wanting me to come over again, she said she cooking lemon pepper chicken & rice tonight so I actually get a break from cooking.
So Im hearing that one year from today, The Dark Knight Rises comes out, I wonder if it can top the last Batman, remember, dude actually killed himself just so he could play that role of the Joker. Just seen the trailer, I had to wipe my glasses but did I see Robin Williams in the movie?? And I also seeing they are bringing Morgan Freeman's character back as well, I thought he quit.
New Batman Trailer
So w/ the 30 Day Song Challenge (Day 2), It has to be the least fav song. 2 came to mind, one was call What What in the Butt, I heard it on South Park w/ the kids, but then someone told me it was an actual song & pulled it up on youtube. The other was one I slipped up on while watching BET Uncut. Its basically a mixed guy talking about being w/ white girls:
Mighty Casey - White Girls
Hope the rest of the day goes well. Gotten a call from mom wanting me to come over again, she said she cooking lemon pepper chicken & rice tonight so I actually get a break from cooking.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
30 Day Song Challenge - Day 1
So a friend of mine who has a blog on here ,Miss Dre, posted a blog about a challenge, I thought I might try it, may just give me some more stuff to type about, if you want to join in on your blog, be my guest:
Day 01 – Your favorite song
Day 02 – Your least favorite song
Day 03 – A song that makes you happy
Day 04 – A song that makes you sad
Day 05 – A song that reminds you of someone
Day 06 – A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 07 – A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 08 – A song that you know all the words to
Day 09 – A song that you can dance to
Day 10 – A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11 – A song from your favorite band
Day 12 – A song from a band you hate
Day 13 – A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 – A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15 – A song that describes you
Day 16 – A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17 – A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18 – A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19 – A song from your favorite album
Day 20 – A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21 – A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22 – A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23 – A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 – A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 – A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 – A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 – A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 – A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 – A song from your childhood
Day 30 – Your favorite song at this time last year
Day 1 - Favorite song
I have a few, took me a min to really think about it. I was thinking What would be my theme song if I was in a movie?? But decided on a song that I loved the longest, been hearing it since I was about 11 or 12.
Electric Relaxation - A Tribe Called Quest
Just got through finishing up some work here. I usually BS online when I get through w/ all my work here. I'm heading to my mom's house when I leave out here to talk to my lil sis on how was her 1st day of cheerleader practice. Which reminds me, I told her I would download her some HBCU band tracks for her that she wanted.
Day 01 – Your favorite song
Day 02 – Your least favorite song
Day 03 – A song that makes you happy
Day 04 – A song that makes you sad
Day 05 – A song that reminds you of someone
Day 06 – A song that reminds of you of somewhere
Day 07 – A song that reminds you of a certain event
Day 08 – A song that you know all the words to
Day 09 – A song that you can dance to
Day 10 – A song that makes you fall asleep
Day 11 – A song from your favorite band
Day 12 – A song from a band you hate
Day 13 – A song that is a guilty pleasure
Day 14 – A song that no one would expect you to love
Day 15 – A song that describes you
Day 16 – A song that you used to love but now hate
Day 17 – A song that you hear often on the radio
Day 18 – A song that you wish you heard on the radio
Day 19 – A song from your favorite album
Day 20 – A song that you listen to when you’re angry
Day 21 – A song that you listen to when you’re happy
Day 22 – A song that you listen to when you’re sad
Day 23 – A song that you want to play at your wedding
Day 24 – A song that you want to play at your funeral
Day 25 – A song that makes you laugh
Day 26 – A song that you can play on an instrument
Day 27 – A song that you wish you could play
Day 28 – A song that makes you feel guilty
Day 29 – A song from your childhood
Day 30 – Your favorite song at this time last year
Day 1 - Favorite song
I have a few, took me a min to really think about it. I was thinking What would be my theme song if I was in a movie?? But decided on a song that I loved the longest, been hearing it since I was about 11 or 12.
Electric Relaxation - A Tribe Called Quest
Just got through finishing up some work here. I usually BS online when I get through w/ all my work here. I'm heading to my mom's house when I leave out here to talk to my lil sis on how was her 1st day of cheerleader practice. Which reminds me, I told her I would download her some HBCU band tracks for her that she wanted.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Prove Em Wrong
Had a good weekend, didnt really do anything, but need the time to regroup on some things. Still reading Play like you mean it by Rex Ryan, its a good book so far, halfway through it. I saw that USA Women's Soccer lost to China in the Championship yesterday, They lost on penalty kicks. Im still proud of them, hope they can build off this for the near future. Found myself last night at a friend's house playing Assassin's Creed - Da Vinci Disappearance on xbox360, it was a good game, almost like a medieval version on Grand Theft Auto. I had frat hit me up as well if I wanted to ride w/ them to ATL for Conclave later this week so Im seeing if I can use my time off for the drive.
So this past week, I was chilling w/ a friend & was talking about him trying to get a new job after some stuff he was going through. His mom butts in & wanted me to talk to him about his attitude problem, keep in mind he is a year older than me. You see, he was going through some things & somehow he wound up living in the same house as his mom, grandmom, AND great-grandmother. It seem like him & his family are having arguments & they claim that he about to go the wrong path. Two things I shared w/ him that I know I need to talk about here:
One, If you have someone that’s making you upset or have screwed you over, don’t take your anger out on the people that’s trying to help you out. I know I had to cut people out of my life because they had things like their jobs or parents or whatnot giving them a hard time, but then they turn around and snap at their friends & coworkers that have done nothing wrong.
Two, if someone keep nagging about what you doing wrong, look at your life. These days we just fire off at people that give us negative feedback. Honestly, we just get mad because deep down we know they hit a point about something. The beauty of life is being able to prove people wrong through our actions, not by mouth. If someone says that you are not amount to anything, don’t just fire back, you can go out & prove them wrong to shut them up. Now I know you cant please everyone, but if you know you not being active & bettering yourself in life, someone might say something to you even if it may insult you.
In closing, when people talk, you dont have to listen, but when you do, learn to isolate BS from what is honest criticism. Also, if people are trying to help & not trying to hurt you, learn to be patient w/ them & just handle your business.
Im gone & Im thinking of just putting random videos up for enjoyment, just some songs & stuff that I like each time I blog.
Questionmark Asylum ft. Blackgirl - Hey look away
So this past week, I was chilling w/ a friend & was talking about him trying to get a new job after some stuff he was going through. His mom butts in & wanted me to talk to him about his attitude problem, keep in mind he is a year older than me. You see, he was going through some things & somehow he wound up living in the same house as his mom, grandmom, AND great-grandmother. It seem like him & his family are having arguments & they claim that he about to go the wrong path. Two things I shared w/ him that I know I need to talk about here:
One, If you have someone that’s making you upset or have screwed you over, don’t take your anger out on the people that’s trying to help you out. I know I had to cut people out of my life because they had things like their jobs or parents or whatnot giving them a hard time, but then they turn around and snap at their friends & coworkers that have done nothing wrong.
Two, if someone keep nagging about what you doing wrong, look at your life. These days we just fire off at people that give us negative feedback. Honestly, we just get mad because deep down we know they hit a point about something. The beauty of life is being able to prove people wrong through our actions, not by mouth. If someone says that you are not amount to anything, don’t just fire back, you can go out & prove them wrong to shut them up. Now I know you cant please everyone, but if you know you not being active & bettering yourself in life, someone might say something to you even if it may insult you.
In closing, when people talk, you dont have to listen, but when you do, learn to isolate BS from what is honest criticism. Also, if people are trying to help & not trying to hurt you, learn to be patient w/ them & just handle your business.
Im gone & Im thinking of just putting random videos up for enjoyment, just some songs & stuff that I like each time I blog.
Questionmark Asylum ft. Blackgirl - Hey look away
Friday, July 15, 2011
TGIF.........Or is it??
Had a bad start this morning yet still trying to stay positive. I was called up for a management position at another place yesterday so I got to take today off work. I was supposed to have gotten up but I ended up sleeping later than I wanted to because my alarm clock didnt go off this morning. So as I was rushing to make this interview, I get a call from the place saying that my interview was postponed because of certain people not being there. I left some clothes in the washer & when I put them in the dryer, the dryer wouldn't start, so my clothes are hanging in the bathroom drying. But I am trying to stay positive, because I did get to see today anyway, and today is the fist time I dont feel dirty because of sweating from the weather.
Diet Update: Just been trying to drink as much water as possible. With food, just been staying away from fast food. Have debated on going back to Hydroxycut yet been afraid of trying that new formula. Also been running almost every morning, I only run in the evening if needed, theres less attractions in the morning & its just me & my thoughts
Summer Update: Trying to head out to Missouri City/Houston on Aug 3rd, having to still keep in contact w/ my granddad on whats going on w/ the remodeling of his kitchen, heading down to do some handiwork & painting. Trying to see if I can swing in some time for Texas Greek Picnic weekend, may leave out on the 9th.
Still trying to figure out whats going on for the fall, know for certain that I may be taking some classes for my MBA. Also traveling wise, talking w/ frat from Lil Rock if they still going to the Bayou Classic again this year, also checking on flights to see about going to Howard Homecoming in October, but already seeing its not cheap. Other options are the HBCU Classics in St. Louis & Dallas, where I could visit family as well. I just signed up for some email updates for London 2012 for the Olympics, look like I’ll be trying to go there in August when the track & bball finals are happening.
Been banging some good music these past few days. I just downloaded the new mixtape from CampLo & Pete Rock, if you a fan of real Hip Hop, you gotta get it. Been a big fan of CampLo since I was about 13? When they brought out those Coolie High joints. I also mix it up & downloaded a new Rick Ross/Meek Mills tape, I heard the song they brought back Tupac Back, get you in that hype mode. But yeah, basically gonna keep it as Neo-Soul most of the time, yet I also saw that one of my fav Memphis Rappers bringing out Cocaine Muzik 6 soon.
Have some interesting things to talk about later on, heading out tonight, also having some interesting things & people that got to me about some stuff, Have a good weekend
Some recent music & stuff I found:
Diet Update: Just been trying to drink as much water as possible. With food, just been staying away from fast food. Have debated on going back to Hydroxycut yet been afraid of trying that new formula. Also been running almost every morning, I only run in the evening if needed, theres less attractions in the morning & its just me & my thoughts
Summer Update: Trying to head out to Missouri City/Houston on Aug 3rd, having to still keep in contact w/ my granddad on whats going on w/ the remodeling of his kitchen, heading down to do some handiwork & painting. Trying to see if I can swing in some time for Texas Greek Picnic weekend, may leave out on the 9th.
Still trying to figure out whats going on for the fall, know for certain that I may be taking some classes for my MBA. Also traveling wise, talking w/ frat from Lil Rock if they still going to the Bayou Classic again this year, also checking on flights to see about going to Howard Homecoming in October, but already seeing its not cheap. Other options are the HBCU Classics in St. Louis & Dallas, where I could visit family as well. I just signed up for some email updates for London 2012 for the Olympics, look like I’ll be trying to go there in August when the track & bball finals are happening.
Been banging some good music these past few days. I just downloaded the new mixtape from CampLo & Pete Rock, if you a fan of real Hip Hop, you gotta get it. Been a big fan of CampLo since I was about 13? When they brought out those Coolie High joints. I also mix it up & downloaded a new Rick Ross/Meek Mills tape, I heard the song they brought back Tupac Back, get you in that hype mode. But yeah, basically gonna keep it as Neo-Soul most of the time, yet I also saw that one of my fav Memphis Rappers bringing out Cocaine Muzik 6 soon.
Have some interesting things to talk about later on, heading out tonight, also having some interesting things & people that got to me about some stuff, Have a good weekend
Some recent music & stuff I found:
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Wedding/Party Crashing
Been a good day so far, work went well today, two things to keep in mind: 1) If you hug a woman w/ perfume on, chances are that perfume gonna rub off on you for a while & 2) If you are going to play a game in the office, PLEASE turn off the sound so you wont get caught.
But I was a lil bored, so wanted to do something on the fun side today. Ever since I watch Wedding Crashers a while back, I always wanted to do some wedding crashing, yet never had the time to do it, and of course Hot Springs is too small of a town. I remember when I crashed a party once, that should count; Back when I was living in Dallas, I was visiting downtown for Mardi Gras Dallas. I saw a appt complex that people were going in. On one of the floors we hit, there were 2 doors; 1 said "Private Party", another was the outside patio where they were having the party everyone was going to. So at the time I was a lil tipsy so I go in the door that says "Private Party". It was actually someone that was hosting a party. There were a lot of people there so I was able to blend in. I gotten a beer & then I check out the kitchen, nice for an appt complex, but next thing I knew I was the bartender for the party I crashed. There were professional people all older than me, I just said my name was Jarrid & I came here w/ a friend name Steve who was wondering around & I worked at a marketing firm in Mesquite & it was my 1st time experiencing Mardi Gras in Dallas. It was all good, gotten a few business cards, and met this lovely older woman who was going through a divorce yet we had a nice convo & she gave me her number.
But here are the rules I looked up online, if anyone is interested, hit me up, clothes sold separately lol.
• Rule #1: Never leave a fellow Crasher behind. Crashers take care of their own.
• Rule #2: Never use your real name.
• Rule #3: When crashing an Indian wedding, identify yourself as a well-known immigrant officer or a county lawyer.
• Rule #4: No one goes home alone.
• Rule #5: Never let a girl come between you and a fellow crasher.
• Rule #6: Do not sit in the corner and sulk. It draws attention in a negative way. Draw attention to yourself, but on your own terms.
• Rule #7: Blend in by standing out.
• Rule #8: Be the life of the party.
• Rule #9: Whatever it takes to get in, get in.
• Rule #10: Invitations are for pussies.
• Rule #11: Sensitive is good.
• Rule #12: When it stops being fun, break something.
• Rule #13: Bridesmaids are desperate: console them.
• Rule #14: You're a distant relative of a dead cousin.
• Rule #15: Fight the urge to tell the truth.
• Rule #16: Always have an up-to-date family tree.
• Rule #17: Every female wedding guest deserves a wedding night.
• Rule #18: You love animals and children.
• Rule #19: Toast in the native language if you know the native language and have practiced the toast. Do not wing it.
• Rule #20: The older the better, the younger the better (see Rule below)
• Rule #21: Definitely make sure she's
• 18.
• Rule #22: You have a wedding and a reception to seal the deal. Period. No overtime.
• Rule #23: There's nothing wrong with having seconds. Provided there's enough women to go around.
• Rule #24: If you get outed, leave calmly. Do not run.
• Rule #25: You understand she heard that but that's not what you meant.
• Rule #26: Of course you love her.
• Rule #27: Don't over drink. The machinery must work in order to close.
• Rule #28: Make sure there's an open bar.
• Rule #29: Always be a team player. Everyone needs a little help now and again.
• Rule #30: Know the playbook so you can call an audible.
• Rule #31: If you call an audible, always make sure your fellow Crashers know.
• Rule #32: Don't commit to a relative unless you're absolutely sure that they have a pulse.
• Rule #33: Never go back to your place.
• Rule #34: Be gone by sunrise.
• Rule #35: Breakfast is for closers.
• Rule #36: Your favorite movie is "The English Patient".
• Rule #37: At the reception, one hard drink or two beers max. A drunk crasher is a sloppy crasher.
• Rule #38: Girls in hats tend to be proper and rarely give it up.
• Rule #39: The way to a woman's bed is through the dance floor.
• Rule #40: Dance with old folks and the kids. The girls will think you're "sweet."
• Rule #41: Never hit on the bride -- it's a one way ticket to the pavement
• Rule #42: Try not to break anything, unless you're not having fun.
• Rule #43: At the service, sit in the fifth row. It's close enough to wedding party to seem like you're an invited guest. Never sit in the back. The back row just smells like crashing.
• Rule #44: Create an air of mystery that involves some painful experience when interacting with the girl you're after. But don't talk about it.
• Rule #45: Always remember your fake name! Rehearse it in advance and make sure you know your fellow Crasher's code-name as well!
• Rule #46: The Rules of Wedding Crashing are sacred. Don't sully them by "improvising."
• Rule #47: You forgot your invitation in your rush to get to the church.
• Rule #48: Make sure all the single women at the wedding know you're there because you've just suffered either a terrible breakup or the death of your fiancĂ©e.
• Rule #49: Always work into the conversation: "Yeah, I have tons of money. But how does one buy happiness?"
• Rule #50: Be pensive! It draws out the "healer" in women.
• Rule #51: Always pull out in time.
• Rule #52: Tell any woman you're interested in that you'd love to stay put but you promised to help out at the homeless shelter today.
• Rule #53: It's time to put your Drama Lessons in practice! Get choked up during the service. The girls will think you're "sensitive". Bring a slice of onion or artificial tears if necessary.
• Rule #54: Avoid virgins. They're too clingy.
• Rule #55: If pressed, tell people you're related to Uncle John. Everyone has an Uncle John.
• Rule #56: Don't fixate on one woman. ALWAYS have a back-up.
• Rule #57: When seeing a rival Crasher, do not interact: merely acknowledge each other with a tug on the earlobe and gracefully move on.
• Rule #58: The Ferrari's in the shop.
• Rule #59: If two rival crashers pick the same girl, the crasher with the least seniority will respectfully yield.
• Rule #60: No "chicken dancing": no exceptions.
• Rule #61: When crashing out of state, request permission from the local Wedding Crasher chapter.
• Rule #62: No more than two weddings a weekend. More and your game gets sloppy. You'll also attract unwanted notice.
• Rule #63: Bring an extra umbrella when it rains. Courtesy opens more legs than charm.
• Rule #64: Always save room for cake.
• Rule #65: When your crash partner fails, you fail. No man is an island.
• Rule #66: Smile! You're having the time of your life.
• Rule #67: Mix it up a little. You can't always be the man with the haunted past.
• Rule #68: Dance with the Bride's grandmother.
• Rule #69: No sex on the altar. Confessionals, okay. Chair lofts, better.
• Rule #70: Two shutouts in a row? It's time to take a week off. Ask yourself: what is it that is getting in the way of my happiness?
• Rule #71: Research, research, research the wedding party. And when you are done researching, research some more.
• Rule #72: Studies have shown that women have a more developed sense of smell. Breath mints: small cost, big yield.
• Rule #73: Keep interactions with the parents of the bride and groom to a minimum.
• Rule #74: In case of emergency, refer to the rulebook.
• Rule #75:
• Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion.
• Rule #77: Carry extra protection at ALL times.
• Rule #78: The unmarried female rabbi: is she fair game? Of course she is.
• Rule #79: The tables furthest from the kitchen always get served first.
• Rule #80: Stop, look, listen. At weddings. In life.
• Rule #81: Occasionally bring a gift: you're getting sex without having to buy dinner, so you can afford a blender.
• Rule #82: Always think ahead but always stay in the moment. Reconcile this paradox and you'll not only get the girl, you might also get peace of mind.
• Rule #83: Don't let the ring bearer bum your smokes. His parents may start to ask questions.
• Rule #84: Stay clear of the wedding planner. They may recognize you and start to wonder.
• Rule #85: Don't use the "I have two months to live" bit: not cool, not effective.
• Rule #86: Shoes say a lot about the man.
• Rule #87: Always choose large weddings. More choice. Easier to blend.
• Rule #88: You're from out of town. ALWAYS.
• Rule #89: Know something about the place you say you are from, whether be from another US state or another country. Texas is too-played out. For some reason, England, Germany or even New Hampshire seem to work. Master the accents convincingly, and you've nailed them!
• Rule #90: Of course you dream of one day having children.
• Rule #91: Never dance to "What I Like About You." It's long past time to let that song go. Someone will request it at every wedding. Don't dance to it. No matter how hot the girl.
• Rule #92: Tell the bride's friends and family that you are family of the groom and visa-versa.
• Rule #93: Only take one car. You never know when you'll need to make a fast escape.
• Rule #94: Deep down, most people hate themselves. This knowledge is the key to most bedroom doors.
• Rule #95: Try not to show off on the dance floor. This means you Jeremy.
• Rule #96: Etiquette isn't old-fashioned. It's sexy.
• Rule #97: Catholic weddings: the classic dilemma: painfully long ceremony: horny girls.
• Rule #98: The newspaper Wedding Announcements are your racing form. Choose carefully.
• Rule #99: Be judicious with cologne. Citrus tones are best.
• Rule #100: Save the tuxes for "the big show" only.
• Rule #101: Avoid women who were psychology majors in college. There is no kind of woman more clingy and persistent than a psychologist investigating your story later on.
• Rule #102: No periwinkle colored ties, please.
• Rule #103: Always have an early "appointment" the next morning.
• Rule #104: Be well groomed and well-mannered.
• Rule #105: Never cockblock a fellow Crasher. Cockblocking an invited guest--okay.
• Rule #106: Eat plentiful, digest your food. You'll need the energy later.
• Rule #107: Know when to abandon ship if it ain't floating.
• Rule #108: Know your swing and salsa dancing. Girls love to get twisted around.
• Rule #109: Always carry an assortment of place cards to match any wedding design.
• Rule #110: Make sure your magic trick and balloon animal skills are not rusty. If the kids love it, the girls will too.
• Rule #111: Never have sex with bride or groom's mother even if she is the hottest bombshell at the wedding. Just control yourself.
• Rule #112: Have FUN! It's why you're there!
• Rule #113: Don't look for opportunities; make them.
• Rule #114: 3-4 months to wedding crash--funerals are year round!
• Rule #115: Never walk away from a crasher in a funny jacket.
But Im out, gonna chill tonight, movie that Im checking out tonight; The Fighter w/ that dude from Batman
But I was a lil bored, so wanted to do something on the fun side today. Ever since I watch Wedding Crashers a while back, I always wanted to do some wedding crashing, yet never had the time to do it, and of course Hot Springs is too small of a town. I remember when I crashed a party once, that should count; Back when I was living in Dallas, I was visiting downtown for Mardi Gras Dallas. I saw a appt complex that people were going in. On one of the floors we hit, there were 2 doors; 1 said "Private Party", another was the outside patio where they were having the party everyone was going to. So at the time I was a lil tipsy so I go in the door that says "Private Party". It was actually someone that was hosting a party. There were a lot of people there so I was able to blend in. I gotten a beer & then I check out the kitchen, nice for an appt complex, but next thing I knew I was the bartender for the party I crashed. There were professional people all older than me, I just said my name was Jarrid & I came here w/ a friend name Steve who was wondering around & I worked at a marketing firm in Mesquite & it was my 1st time experiencing Mardi Gras in Dallas. It was all good, gotten a few business cards, and met this lovely older woman who was going through a divorce yet we had a nice convo & she gave me her number.
But here are the rules I looked up online, if anyone is interested, hit me up, clothes sold separately lol.
• Rule #1: Never leave a fellow Crasher behind. Crashers take care of their own.
• Rule #2: Never use your real name.
• Rule #3: When crashing an Indian wedding, identify yourself as a well-known immigrant officer or a county lawyer.
• Rule #4: No one goes home alone.
• Rule #5: Never let a girl come between you and a fellow crasher.
• Rule #6: Do not sit in the corner and sulk. It draws attention in a negative way. Draw attention to yourself, but on your own terms.
• Rule #7: Blend in by standing out.
• Rule #8: Be the life of the party.
• Rule #9: Whatever it takes to get in, get in.
• Rule #10: Invitations are for pussies.
• Rule #11: Sensitive is good.
• Rule #12: When it stops being fun, break something.
• Rule #13: Bridesmaids are desperate: console them.
• Rule #14: You're a distant relative of a dead cousin.
• Rule #15: Fight the urge to tell the truth.
• Rule #16: Always have an up-to-date family tree.
• Rule #17: Every female wedding guest deserves a wedding night.
• Rule #18: You love animals and children.
• Rule #19: Toast in the native language if you know the native language and have practiced the toast. Do not wing it.
• Rule #20: The older the better, the younger the better (see Rule below)
• Rule #21: Definitely make sure she's
• 18.
• Rule #22: You have a wedding and a reception to seal the deal. Period. No overtime.
• Rule #23: There's nothing wrong with having seconds. Provided there's enough women to go around.
• Rule #24: If you get outed, leave calmly. Do not run.
• Rule #25: You understand she heard that but that's not what you meant.
• Rule #26: Of course you love her.
• Rule #27: Don't over drink. The machinery must work in order to close.
• Rule #28: Make sure there's an open bar.
• Rule #29: Always be a team player. Everyone needs a little help now and again.
• Rule #30: Know the playbook so you can call an audible.
• Rule #31: If you call an audible, always make sure your fellow Crashers know.
• Rule #32: Don't commit to a relative unless you're absolutely sure that they have a pulse.
• Rule #33: Never go back to your place.
• Rule #34: Be gone by sunrise.
• Rule #35: Breakfast is for closers.
• Rule #36: Your favorite movie is "The English Patient".
• Rule #37: At the reception, one hard drink or two beers max. A drunk crasher is a sloppy crasher.
• Rule #38: Girls in hats tend to be proper and rarely give it up.
• Rule #39: The way to a woman's bed is through the dance floor.
• Rule #40: Dance with old folks and the kids. The girls will think you're "sweet."
• Rule #41: Never hit on the bride -- it's a one way ticket to the pavement
• Rule #42: Try not to break anything, unless you're not having fun.
• Rule #43: At the service, sit in the fifth row. It's close enough to wedding party to seem like you're an invited guest. Never sit in the back. The back row just smells like crashing.
• Rule #44: Create an air of mystery that involves some painful experience when interacting with the girl you're after. But don't talk about it.
• Rule #45: Always remember your fake name! Rehearse it in advance and make sure you know your fellow Crasher's code-name as well!
• Rule #46: The Rules of Wedding Crashing are sacred. Don't sully them by "improvising."
• Rule #47: You forgot your invitation in your rush to get to the church.
• Rule #48: Make sure all the single women at the wedding know you're there because you've just suffered either a terrible breakup or the death of your fiancĂ©e.
• Rule #49: Always work into the conversation: "Yeah, I have tons of money. But how does one buy happiness?"
• Rule #50: Be pensive! It draws out the "healer" in women.
• Rule #51: Always pull out in time.
• Rule #52: Tell any woman you're interested in that you'd love to stay put but you promised to help out at the homeless shelter today.
• Rule #53: It's time to put your Drama Lessons in practice! Get choked up during the service. The girls will think you're "sensitive". Bring a slice of onion or artificial tears if necessary.
• Rule #54: Avoid virgins. They're too clingy.
• Rule #55: If pressed, tell people you're related to Uncle John. Everyone has an Uncle John.
• Rule #56: Don't fixate on one woman. ALWAYS have a back-up.
• Rule #57: When seeing a rival Crasher, do not interact: merely acknowledge each other with a tug on the earlobe and gracefully move on.
• Rule #58: The Ferrari's in the shop.
• Rule #59: If two rival crashers pick the same girl, the crasher with the least seniority will respectfully yield.
• Rule #60: No "chicken dancing": no exceptions.
• Rule #61: When crashing out of state, request permission from the local Wedding Crasher chapter.
• Rule #62: No more than two weddings a weekend. More and your game gets sloppy. You'll also attract unwanted notice.
• Rule #63: Bring an extra umbrella when it rains. Courtesy opens more legs than charm.
• Rule #64: Always save room for cake.
• Rule #65: When your crash partner fails, you fail. No man is an island.
• Rule #66: Smile! You're having the time of your life.
• Rule #67: Mix it up a little. You can't always be the man with the haunted past.
• Rule #68: Dance with the Bride's grandmother.
• Rule #69: No sex on the altar. Confessionals, okay. Chair lofts, better.
• Rule #70: Two shutouts in a row? It's time to take a week off. Ask yourself: what is it that is getting in the way of my happiness?
• Rule #71: Research, research, research the wedding party. And when you are done researching, research some more.
• Rule #72: Studies have shown that women have a more developed sense of smell. Breath mints: small cost, big yield.
• Rule #73: Keep interactions with the parents of the bride and groom to a minimum.
• Rule #74: In case of emergency, refer to the rulebook.
• Rule #75:
• Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion.
• Rule #77: Carry extra protection at ALL times.
• Rule #78: The unmarried female rabbi: is she fair game? Of course she is.
• Rule #79: The tables furthest from the kitchen always get served first.
• Rule #80: Stop, look, listen. At weddings. In life.
• Rule #81: Occasionally bring a gift: you're getting sex without having to buy dinner, so you can afford a blender.
• Rule #82: Always think ahead but always stay in the moment. Reconcile this paradox and you'll not only get the girl, you might also get peace of mind.
• Rule #83: Don't let the ring bearer bum your smokes. His parents may start to ask questions.
• Rule #84: Stay clear of the wedding planner. They may recognize you and start to wonder.
• Rule #85: Don't use the "I have two months to live" bit: not cool, not effective.
• Rule #86: Shoes say a lot about the man.
• Rule #87: Always choose large weddings. More choice. Easier to blend.
• Rule #88: You're from out of town. ALWAYS.
• Rule #89: Know something about the place you say you are from, whether be from another US state or another country. Texas is too-played out. For some reason, England, Germany or even New Hampshire seem to work. Master the accents convincingly, and you've nailed them!
• Rule #90: Of course you dream of one day having children.
• Rule #91: Never dance to "What I Like About You." It's long past time to let that song go. Someone will request it at every wedding. Don't dance to it. No matter how hot the girl.
• Rule #92: Tell the bride's friends and family that you are family of the groom and visa-versa.
• Rule #93: Only take one car. You never know when you'll need to make a fast escape.
• Rule #94: Deep down, most people hate themselves. This knowledge is the key to most bedroom doors.
• Rule #95: Try not to show off on the dance floor. This means you Jeremy.
• Rule #96: Etiquette isn't old-fashioned. It's sexy.
• Rule #97: Catholic weddings: the classic dilemma: painfully long ceremony: horny girls.
• Rule #98: The newspaper Wedding Announcements are your racing form. Choose carefully.
• Rule #99: Be judicious with cologne. Citrus tones are best.
• Rule #100: Save the tuxes for "the big show" only.
• Rule #101: Avoid women who were psychology majors in college. There is no kind of woman more clingy and persistent than a psychologist investigating your story later on.
• Rule #102: No periwinkle colored ties, please.
• Rule #103: Always have an early "appointment" the next morning.
• Rule #104: Be well groomed and well-mannered.
• Rule #105: Never cockblock a fellow Crasher. Cockblocking an invited guest--okay.
• Rule #106: Eat plentiful, digest your food. You'll need the energy later.
• Rule #107: Know when to abandon ship if it ain't floating.
• Rule #108: Know your swing and salsa dancing. Girls love to get twisted around.
• Rule #109: Always carry an assortment of place cards to match any wedding design.
• Rule #110: Make sure your magic trick and balloon animal skills are not rusty. If the kids love it, the girls will too.
• Rule #111: Never have sex with bride or groom's mother even if she is the hottest bombshell at the wedding. Just control yourself.
• Rule #112: Have FUN! It's why you're there!
• Rule #113: Don't look for opportunities; make them.
• Rule #114: 3-4 months to wedding crash--funerals are year round!
• Rule #115: Never walk away from a crasher in a funny jacket.
But Im out, gonna chill tonight, movie that Im checking out tonight; The Fighter w/ that dude from Batman
Monday, July 11, 2011
Art of Karma
Been an alright weekend. Here at work, my work has been up & down today because of the weekend maintenance they had thats mow making our computers running slow today.
So a interesting thing happened to my lil sister Saturday. During 4th of July weekend, me & sis went downtown & I took her to do some light shopping. We walked into some type of retro store and she saw one of those fake nose rings she was taking about earlier. She went ahead and bout one, even paid for it out of her own pocket, and told me she didn’t want to tell mom that she bought it knowing she might disapprove. Fast forward to Saturday, we go & visit an old neighbor’s house, and she decides to wear it, keep in mind we were visiting a 69 yr old woman. We leave right before dark, and on the way home (we walked because it was close by), it pops off her nose, the top part she finds yet cant find the bottom magnet part to keep it on. She look around the area for an hour yet doesn’t find it, I ended up taking her home. I told her she really couldn’t be in a foul mood at home because she lost something she knew she wasn’t supposed to have yet & mom would ask her why she was in a foul mood & my sis couldn’t really tell her why she was mad.
This is what I believe to be one of my sister’s first incidents involving Karma. She tried to get something that she knew might make mom upset, then suddenly she lose it. Then she got mad about it. She may not understand it now, but she may down the line. That’s how I see it w/ many people these days. Some of us just do whatever we want & we act like karma doesn’t exist, but it happens. I was watching this movie on Lifetime, about a woman who found out another woman is after her husband. Later we found out in the movie that a long time ago, her husband was previously married & the wife herself was a side chick at the time, so what goes around comes around. But what bothers me is that some people get affected by bad karma & act like it wasn’t supposed to happen. I notice a lot of people out here want to have these funky attitudes out here. Keep in mind, if you are willing to have these attitudes w/ people, be ready to receive it from people as well. Also, if you are willing to spread other people's business around, get ready for yours to spread out as well.
Also, you have people out here that want to act like they have that right to choose their punishment. That’s the beauty of bad karma: you cant choose your punishment. Even if you are a man or woman, if you know you did something wrong, people have that right to get mad. You end up attacking someone, what makes you thing they not going to attack you?? In a relationship, if you cheat, what makes you think you are not gonna pay for it?? What makes you think your significant other is only gonna act in a certain way you want?? What makes you thing you are guaranteed forgiveness??
But that’s just my thing on this topic, getting this off my chest. Moral of the Story: Don’t do or act the way you don’t want to be treated, don’t do anything you don’t want to pay for later on
So a interesting thing happened to my lil sister Saturday. During 4th of July weekend, me & sis went downtown & I took her to do some light shopping. We walked into some type of retro store and she saw one of those fake nose rings she was taking about earlier. She went ahead and bout one, even paid for it out of her own pocket, and told me she didn’t want to tell mom that she bought it knowing she might disapprove. Fast forward to Saturday, we go & visit an old neighbor’s house, and she decides to wear it, keep in mind we were visiting a 69 yr old woman. We leave right before dark, and on the way home (we walked because it was close by), it pops off her nose, the top part she finds yet cant find the bottom magnet part to keep it on. She look around the area for an hour yet doesn’t find it, I ended up taking her home. I told her she really couldn’t be in a foul mood at home because she lost something she knew she wasn’t supposed to have yet & mom would ask her why she was in a foul mood & my sis couldn’t really tell her why she was mad.
This is what I believe to be one of my sister’s first incidents involving Karma. She tried to get something that she knew might make mom upset, then suddenly she lose it. Then she got mad about it. She may not understand it now, but she may down the line. That’s how I see it w/ many people these days. Some of us just do whatever we want & we act like karma doesn’t exist, but it happens. I was watching this movie on Lifetime, about a woman who found out another woman is after her husband. Later we found out in the movie that a long time ago, her husband was previously married & the wife herself was a side chick at the time, so what goes around comes around. But what bothers me is that some people get affected by bad karma & act like it wasn’t supposed to happen. I notice a lot of people out here want to have these funky attitudes out here. Keep in mind, if you are willing to have these attitudes w/ people, be ready to receive it from people as well. Also, if you are willing to spread other people's business around, get ready for yours to spread out as well.
Also, you have people out here that want to act like they have that right to choose their punishment. That’s the beauty of bad karma: you cant choose your punishment. Even if you are a man or woman, if you know you did something wrong, people have that right to get mad. You end up attacking someone, what makes you thing they not going to attack you?? In a relationship, if you cheat, what makes you think you are not gonna pay for it?? What makes you think your significant other is only gonna act in a certain way you want?? What makes you thing you are guaranteed forgiveness??
But that’s just my thing on this topic, getting this off my chest. Moral of the Story: Don’t do or act the way you don’t want to be treated, don’t do anything you don’t want to pay for later on
Friday, July 8, 2011
The Wrong Proposal
I was actually typing up a different blog yet this have been heavy on my mind. If you havent heard, there was something on the news about a Dallas Cowboys WR name Roy Williams who proposed to girlfriend in a "special" way. He sends off a $75K ring in the mail along w/ a videotape of himself proposing to her. Now she declines his proposal, yet he hasnt received the ring back. She claimed that she returned the ring back in the mail, then we finding out that her dad has the ring so he's going to return it. So now Roy is taking her to court to try to get the ring back.
From a Article:
"Williams was born in Odessa, Texas, in Ector County, about 350 miles west of Dallas. According to the lawsuit, filed in Ector County District Court on June 30, Brooke Daniels contacted Williams “shortly before Valentine’s Day” and asked for $5,000 for school and dental bills.
Williams sent Daniels the money, a baseball for her brother in an overnight package. He also recorded a marriage proposal and included an engagement ring, the lawsuit said."
I am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan, yet In a way, Roy got what he deserved. Why did you mail off a proposal ring?? This had to be some GOOD pussy if the girl you are dating asking you for $5K, and then you put an engagement ring in the package. Maybe its just me, but I would have held off sending the $5K 1st, I would have been like "Let me see the bill" or even "Have you tried to go to EBAY to get some of the stuff you needed". AND this was the offseason, he could have done it in person if he really loved her. I always thought a man was supposed to be in person when he proposes to his lady, the ONLY way this might have slide was if he was maybe fighting a war overseas. Does this even make him look less of a man?? Probably, he was trying to be fancy when he should have been direct & face-to-face. But I wondered who & how he got this idea?? Did he talk to his boys about this idea?? Would his boys have been like "Yeah Man, go ahead and mail that $75K ring to her"
But also w/ them saying that her DAD got involved, did he really know what was happening in the first place?? Would you allow your daughter to take or ask for $5K from a guy she is only dating?? And how did he get the ring??
Now me, IF I was to proposed to someone, it would be just the 2 of us, FACE-TO-FACE, But also I would never ask someone to marry me in front of a huge crowd, it may be too mych pressure for her to say yes & it may make her feel obligated.
But just getting this off my chest, I know it has nothing to do w/ me, but just hate it when a black man acts stupid like this. Hope the weekend goes well, going to visit an old neighbor to see how she doing.
From a Article:
"Williams was born in Odessa, Texas, in Ector County, about 350 miles west of Dallas. According to the lawsuit, filed in Ector County District Court on June 30, Brooke Daniels contacted Williams “shortly before Valentine’s Day” and asked for $5,000 for school and dental bills.
Williams sent Daniels the money, a baseball for her brother in an overnight package. He also recorded a marriage proposal and included an engagement ring, the lawsuit said."
I am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan, yet In a way, Roy got what he deserved. Why did you mail off a proposal ring?? This had to be some GOOD pussy if the girl you are dating asking you for $5K, and then you put an engagement ring in the package. Maybe its just me, but I would have held off sending the $5K 1st, I would have been like "Let me see the bill" or even "Have you tried to go to EBAY to get some of the stuff you needed". AND this was the offseason, he could have done it in person if he really loved her. I always thought a man was supposed to be in person when he proposes to his lady, the ONLY way this might have slide was if he was maybe fighting a war overseas. Does this even make him look less of a man?? Probably, he was trying to be fancy when he should have been direct & face-to-face. But I wondered who & how he got this idea?? Did he talk to his boys about this idea?? Would his boys have been like "Yeah Man, go ahead and mail that $75K ring to her"
But also w/ them saying that her DAD got involved, did he really know what was happening in the first place?? Would you allow your daughter to take or ask for $5K from a guy she is only dating?? And how did he get the ring??
Now me, IF I was to proposed to someone, it would be just the 2 of us, FACE-TO-FACE, But also I would never ask someone to marry me in front of a huge crowd, it may be too mych pressure for her to say yes & it may make her feel obligated.
But just getting this off my chest, I know it has nothing to do w/ me, but just hate it when a black man acts stupid like this. Hope the weekend goes well, going to visit an old neighbor to see how she doing.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Been a good weekend, took off from some of my writing. Got to kick it w/ my family, my mom cooked out, and I went back to my old neighborhood as well. Went to see my homeboy Nick, there was a rumor saying he was getting married, yet he told me he just got a girl pregnant in another city, he told me that I was getting old & I needed a junior around lmao. Also seen the neighbors I used to live next to, the woman lost her husband almost a year ago, she haven’t seen much of her family, so I told her that I would visit her from time to time, I may take my sis there to kick it, I even offered to cut her grass this weekend if the lawn needed it, she 69 yrs old. I ended up making some money this past Saturday, my friend’s mom had me all this furniture from her office to storage, she just dropped the envelope in my mailbox unexpectantly later that night. Got to also watch some movies, Got to see Black Swan for the first time, they were just a bunch of freaks in it, Imma buy it at Wal-Mart lol. That cousin that called me Thursday night that wanted to stay the night, never called me until Saturday night, she went to Lil Rock, missed her call the 1st time that night, but she wanted me to pay for her a car battery, didn’t even explain what happened Thursday night, Imma just watch her calling me from now on.
Heard the verdict yesterday, and I was a little shocked. I was still reading about the incident & how everything came to this point. It was just that it was almost drawn out like that episode of Law & Order SVU, the one w/ Hillary Duff in it. The mother claims she doesn’t know where the child is & makes up a false Hispanic babysitter. 31 days, how you not gonna notice your child gone for 31 days?? But some people started to make this a race issue: A white girl was found making lies about her daughter’s “disappearance” and was found Not Guilty. And Im finding out the attorney reppin her was barred from law at one point. I think its more of a fear that some black people are having: White people are getting away w/ stuff. Lindsey Lohan, Ben Rothlesburger, and now Casey Anthony. To white people, you are getting a stigma that you cannot take care of your kids, you may need to fix some things. May just look at some other things as well. Im just thankful my mom loved me to take care of me.
Im bout to doze off, been up since about 3am, had the itis from that chicken & rice last night.
Heard the verdict yesterday, and I was a little shocked. I was still reading about the incident & how everything came to this point. It was just that it was almost drawn out like that episode of Law & Order SVU, the one w/ Hillary Duff in it. The mother claims she doesn’t know where the child is & makes up a false Hispanic babysitter. 31 days, how you not gonna notice your child gone for 31 days?? But some people started to make this a race issue: A white girl was found making lies about her daughter’s “disappearance” and was found Not Guilty. And Im finding out the attorney reppin her was barred from law at one point. I think its more of a fear that some black people are having: White people are getting away w/ stuff. Lindsey Lohan, Ben Rothlesburger, and now Casey Anthony. To white people, you are getting a stigma that you cannot take care of your kids, you may need to fix some things. May just look at some other things as well. Im just thankful my mom loved me to take care of me.
Im bout to doze off, been up since about 3am, had the itis from that chicken & rice last night.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Friday but don't feel like it
Nothing much on the front end today. Somehow woke up & had for breakfast..............fishsticks, I sometime eat leftovers for breakfast. So basically for about the 2nd time in a row, my cousin didnt come over when she said she was coming over. She calls me around 8:30ish last night talking about she had an argument w/ her hotel roommate & wanted to stay the night at my place, but she never called me back last night & hasnt called me yet today. But the thing is that this is like the 3rd or 4th time she called me because she gotten into an argument w/ someone & wanted to stay at my crib, all in diff cities & diff people. Im at the point of telling her she need to watch her fuse & learn to be more patient w/ people, I know sometimes it may not be her fault but if she getting common results w/ diff people & diff locations, something is going on.
But also last night, was gonna go into chill mode, yet my sister's dad made a surprise visit to see his daughter. I dont know how long he gonna be in the city, yet my sister is just kicking it w/ him. Me & dude have our differences yet as long as he trying to be a good dad to my sis, he cool w/ me. He already talked to me saying he wanted to put in on the $344 for my sis's cheerleader items in the fall, I first said I could cover the whole thing myself, yet now its less money coming out of my pocket. Im just happy that my sister has some things her age that I didnt have; her dad, her grandfather, and a big brother to watch out to her.
I was gonna have a drink last night but between my cousin saying she was coming over & other people around, I just fell asleep, it was just a long day. Been a good while since I had a drink mostly because Ive been too busy & dont do it during weekdays because I know Im gonna be running in the morning the next day.
I do feel a lil bad Im not being up w/ the news this week. Gonna try to look more in the Casy A. case. What hurt me was in the front page of the paper, A nearby youth center had to shut its doors & suspend their summer camp for the youth of my city. What the paper said was that the center had to suspend operations because they were supposedly have been approved for a grant for the summer program yet never got the funding yet. What got me as well was that all the kids were african american & the parents were working parents who couldnt afford to put their kids in any other program. The article said that the parents & kids came thru Thursday morning & saw the doors were shut, no notice beforehand because the vote to suspend the program came Wednesday night. I just hope its not gonna be a race thing, if it was a more white populated area of town, would the program still be open??
To close out today, I just want to leave something that may be helpful, I decided to put these on my wall as well to see what happens:
Mantras from Hill Harper’s Book which was inspired by business consultant Gary Takacs
I promise:
-To be strong so that nothing can disturb my peace of mind
-To make everyone feel that there is something special in them
-To look at the positive side of everything and make my optimism come true
-To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own
-To learn from the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future
-To have a cheerful presence at all times and give every living creature I meet a smile
-To give so much time and effort to the improvement of myself that I have no time to criticize others
-To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble
-To be a light for others, not a judge of others
Have a great weekend & be careful out there.
But also last night, was gonna go into chill mode, yet my sister's dad made a surprise visit to see his daughter. I dont know how long he gonna be in the city, yet my sister is just kicking it w/ him. Me & dude have our differences yet as long as he trying to be a good dad to my sis, he cool w/ me. He already talked to me saying he wanted to put in on the $344 for my sis's cheerleader items in the fall, I first said I could cover the whole thing myself, yet now its less money coming out of my pocket. Im just happy that my sister has some things her age that I didnt have; her dad, her grandfather, and a big brother to watch out to her.
I was gonna have a drink last night but between my cousin saying she was coming over & other people around, I just fell asleep, it was just a long day. Been a good while since I had a drink mostly because Ive been too busy & dont do it during weekdays because I know Im gonna be running in the morning the next day.
I do feel a lil bad Im not being up w/ the news this week. Gonna try to look more in the Casy A. case. What hurt me was in the front page of the paper, A nearby youth center had to shut its doors & suspend their summer camp for the youth of my city. What the paper said was that the center had to suspend operations because they were supposedly have been approved for a grant for the summer program yet never got the funding yet. What got me as well was that all the kids were african american & the parents were working parents who couldnt afford to put their kids in any other program. The article said that the parents & kids came thru Thursday morning & saw the doors were shut, no notice beforehand because the vote to suspend the program came Wednesday night. I just hope its not gonna be a race thing, if it was a more white populated area of town, would the program still be open??
To close out today, I just want to leave something that may be helpful, I decided to put these on my wall as well to see what happens:
Mantras from Hill Harper’s Book which was inspired by business consultant Gary Takacs
I promise:
-To be strong so that nothing can disturb my peace of mind
-To make everyone feel that there is something special in them
-To look at the positive side of everything and make my optimism come true
-To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own
-To learn from the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future
-To have a cheerful presence at all times and give every living creature I meet a smile
-To give so much time and effort to the improvement of myself that I have no time to criticize others
-To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble
-To be a light for others, not a judge of others
Have a great weekend & be careful out there.
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