Thursday, July 28, 2011

Random Thoughts/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 10

2 Thoughts for today:

I have been doing some job hunting the past few months, so my resume is out Everywhere. Yet I try to determine how do jobs really turn people down. If there is an opening, and someone applies for it, AND you interview them, do they often avoid those people that they say no to?? I remember back in April I was applying for a position at another company. This company had me in for 4 days, including assessments, background checks, and interviewed w/ 3 different people. Yet they never even called me back after putting me through all that, but I did write saying thanks for the interview.

Also, this has been something I've notice. If I ever just talk anything about relationships, Its mostly what I been involved with or what I observe in others. I've seen & heard countless advice for relationships, yet why don't many people talk about working on yourself BEFORE getting into a relationship?? I swear some people think they need a relationship to help their image, but its making sure you are that complete person before you jump into one.

Now for the 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 10, a song that makes me fall asleep. Im more of a jazz person when I go to bed, like a Craig Cooper, Norman Brown, those types. I will prolly go with this one, hears it first when I was in the 8-9th grade, could put me in that peaceful state to fall asleep on. *looking on Youtube* Ok I was gonna put up Ben Tankard's No Words Necessary, but they dont have that, so instead, I also go to sleep on some slow Janet Jackson songs as well.

Janet Jackson - Come Back to Me

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