Sunday, July 31, 2011

Holding my Patience/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 13

So there was some things that I wanted to get done this weekend yet still have to wait until either Mon or Tues. I was supposed to have mowed my mom's lawn yet the person who was supposed to fix the lawnmower had it & forgot to return it to my mom on Saturday, and because its raining today, I cant do it now. But I almost lost my cool last night, my homeboy calls me up & tells me he was having a problem w/ putting his Satellite TV on a new big screen. So I went by last night, he didnt have the box hooked up, but he had his xbox hooked up to it, I hooked the cable box up yet it didn't pick up the cable because it was moved & needed the satellites to reset. In comes his mom, Im cool w/ his mom, yet I saw she was being impatient. I had to tell her 4x that it wasn't the TV that couldnt get the cable but it was the box. I was explaining what was going on yet I could tell that she had no patience & wanted to do things her way, even when they called me to come over & help. I held my tongue but I got on my phone and tweeted: I dont like to f***ing repeat myself!!! Which I may look back & think my bad but at least I held my tongue. So she ends up wanting to call the serviceman, I gotten everything set up, the ONLY thing was that the satellites needed to re-align to the cable box because the box was moved. But I also found out last night my homeboy finally gotten a new job. He is working now as a maintenance person at a nearby hotel. This was the same hotel my mom warned me about that some people told me that they were quick to hire minorities to run cleaning or maintenance positions, yet will turn them away for more important & visible things. I know its small for a college graduate, but hopefully he can get something out of this in the long run.

So all I have today is church & having to put a new bed together, just trying to do as much cleaning as I can before I leave this Wed. I was just online on twitter & saw a reminder of the TGP's Stepshow Afterparty/Saks Fifth Party in Houston Friday night, already made my RSVP for it today.

So w/ Day 13 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, Its a song thats a guilty pleasure. Nothing really came to my head but maybe this would be something.

Luda - P-Popping

1 comment:

  1. This song brings back memories! I am covering my face in shame right now lol.
