Saturday, July 30, 2011

God’s message this morning

Was planning to go somewhere last night, yet I fell asleep early last night. My alarm went off early this morning, I have it set EARLY so I can go run every morning, but usually I try to have my alarm off the night before so I can sleep in on Saturday. But it did go off this Saturday morning, so for some reason I just got up and did some running this morning. Usually when I run, I just have all these thoughts going through my head. But almost getting done w/ my workout, I passed this married couple. The woman said “excuse me sir” and I turned around and she really was talking to me. At first I thought it was someone that may have recognized me yet it wasn’t really that. The woman told me that God put something in her heart to tell me something. She said that God said just keep focusing on him, don’t worry about other people’s opinions, God knows Im trying to be a good person in life, yet just focus on him & don’t really worry about looking good for people.

But it just made me think. Are we more focused on impressing people or are we more focused on living a good life & pleasing God?? I know some of us are successful w/ what we do, but is it what God calls for us to do?? Even when some of us going to work out & stuff, are we working out to look good in front people or we get fit because we know we have to live a healthy lifestyle?? Even when we tweet on twitter, do we really say whats on our mind or we say what people want us to say?? I just think that one of the easiest traps we will see in our lives is when we want to please & look good in front of people, even when its subconsciously. I learned a long time ago, if you doing something for people's approval, you end up being dependent of them & may not be able to think for yourself. A lot of people say “I don’t care what others think” but are they just saying it to look a certain way to other people?? Just sharing some things today, but I think we all need to have those times where we need to just sit down & ask outselves “The things I do & the things I like, do I like it because I look good for people & other people like this, or is it because this is what God has for me & Im doing something to better myself & this is a part of ME??”

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