Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Live humping on Wed/ 30 Day Song Challenge - Day 2

So I had an ok night, except I fell asleep last night & woke up around 3ish. Got to talk to my lil sis yesterday, she now telling me my old coach has been trying to get her to talk to me w/ helping out the football team this fall. I was a former outside linebacker so I hope coach still runs the same system as when I left almost 10 years ago (I played in both a 4-3 and a 3-4 defense). But I was supposed to have watched Cedar Rapids last night but fell asleep. I woke up & had a craving for green beans & potatoes so I cooked that & watched Dazed & Confused, nothing really was on tv.

So Im hearing that one year from today, The Dark Knight Rises comes out, I wonder if it can top the last Batman, remember, dude actually killed himself just so he could play that role of the Joker. Just seen the trailer, I had to wipe my glasses but did I see Robin Williams in the movie?? And I also seeing they are bringing Morgan Freeman's character back as well, I thought he quit.

New Batman Trailer

So w/ the 30 Day Song Challenge (Day 2), It has to be the least fav song. 2 came to mind, one was call What What in the Butt, I heard it on South Park w/ the kids, but then someone told me it was an actual song & pulled it up on youtube. The other was one I slipped up on while watching BET Uncut. Its basically a mixed guy talking about being w/ white girls:

Mighty Casey - White Girls

Hope the rest of the day goes well. Gotten a call from mom wanting me to come over again, she said she cooking lemon pepper chicken & rice tonight so I actually get a break from cooking.


  1. Uggghhhh I remember this song and I hate it too lol! It was on the end of some movie but I can't remember which one.

    That lemon pepper chicken sounds good. Enjoy :)
