Monday, July 11, 2011

Art of Karma

Been an alright weekend. Here at work, my work has been up & down today because of the weekend maintenance they had thats mow making our computers running slow today.

So a interesting thing happened to my lil sister Saturday. During 4th of July weekend, me & sis went downtown & I took her to do some light shopping. We walked into some type of retro store and she saw one of those fake nose rings she was taking about earlier. She went ahead and bout one, even paid for it out of her own pocket, and told me she didn’t want to tell mom that she bought it knowing she might disapprove. Fast forward to Saturday, we go & visit an old neighbor’s house, and she decides to wear it, keep in mind we were visiting a 69 yr old woman. We leave right before dark, and on the way home (we walked because it was close by), it pops off her nose, the top part she finds yet cant find the bottom magnet part to keep it on. She look around the area for an hour yet doesn’t find it, I ended up taking her home. I told her she really couldn’t be in a foul mood at home because she lost something she knew she wasn’t supposed to have yet & mom would ask her why she was in a foul mood & my sis couldn’t really tell her why she was mad.

This is what I believe to be one of my sister’s first incidents involving Karma. She tried to get something that she knew might make mom upset, then suddenly she lose it. Then she got mad about it. She may not understand it now, but she may down the line. That’s how I see it w/ many people these days. Some of us just do whatever we want & we act like karma doesn’t exist, but it happens. I was watching this movie on Lifetime, about a woman who found out another woman is after her husband. Later we found out in the movie that a long time ago, her husband was previously married & the wife herself was a side chick at the time, so what goes around comes around. But what bothers me is that some people get affected by bad karma & act like it wasn’t supposed to happen. I notice a lot of people out here want to have these funky attitudes out here. Keep in mind, if you are willing to have these attitudes w/ people, be ready to receive it from people as well. Also, if you are willing to spread other people's business around, get ready for yours to spread out as well.

Also, you have people out here that want to act like they have that right to choose their punishment. That’s the beauty of bad karma: you cant choose your punishment. Even if you are a man or woman, if you know you did something wrong, people have that right to get mad. You end up attacking someone, what makes you thing they not going to attack you?? In a relationship, if you cheat, what makes you think you are not gonna pay for it?? What makes you think your significant other is only gonna act in a certain way you want?? What makes you thing you are guaranteed forgiveness??

But that’s just my thing on this topic, getting this off my chest. Moral of the Story: Don’t do or act the way you don’t want to be treated, don’t do anything you don’t want to pay for later on

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