Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday but don't feel like it

Nothing much on the front end today. Somehow woke up & had for breakfast..............fishsticks, I sometime eat leftovers for breakfast. So basically for about the 2nd time in a row, my cousin didnt come over when she said she was coming over. She calls me around 8:30ish last night talking about she had an argument w/ her hotel roommate & wanted to stay the night at my place, but she never called me back last night & hasnt called me yet today. But the thing is that this is like the 3rd or 4th time she called me because she gotten into an argument w/ someone & wanted to stay at my crib, all in diff cities & diff people. Im at the point of telling her she need to watch her fuse & learn to be more patient w/ people, I know sometimes it may not be her fault but if she getting common results w/ diff people & diff locations, something is going on.

But also last night, was gonna go into chill mode, yet my sister's dad made a surprise visit to see his daughter. I dont know how long he gonna be in the city, yet my sister is just kicking it w/ him. Me & dude have our differences yet as long as he trying to be a good dad to my sis, he cool w/ me. He already talked to me saying he wanted to put in on the $344 for my sis's cheerleader items in the fall, I first said I could cover the whole thing myself, yet now its less money coming out of my pocket. Im just happy that my sister has some things her age that I didnt have; her dad, her grandfather, and a big brother to watch out to her.

I was gonna have a drink last night but between my cousin saying she was coming over & other people around, I just fell asleep, it was just a long day. Been a good while since I had a drink mostly because Ive been too busy & dont do it during weekdays because I know Im gonna be running in the morning the next day.

I do feel a lil bad Im not being up w/ the news this week. Gonna try to look more in the Casy A. case. What hurt me was in the front page of the paper, A nearby youth center had to shut its doors & suspend their summer camp for the youth of my city. What the paper said was that the center had to suspend operations because they were supposedly have been approved for a grant for the summer program yet never got the funding yet. What got me as well was that all the kids were african american & the parents were working parents who couldnt afford to put their kids in any other program. The article said that the parents & kids came thru Thursday morning & saw the doors were shut, no notice beforehand because the vote to suspend the program came Wednesday night. I just hope its not gonna be a race thing, if it was a more white populated area of town, would the program still be open??

To close out today, I just want to leave something that may be helpful, I decided to put these on my wall as well to see what happens:

Mantras from Hill Harper’s Book which was inspired by business consultant Gary Takacs

I promise:

-To be strong so that nothing can disturb my peace of mind

-To make everyone feel that there is something special in them

-To look at the positive side of everything and make my optimism come true

-To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own

-To learn from the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future

-To have a cheerful presence at all times and give every living creature I meet a smile

-To give so much time and effort to the improvement of myself that I have no time to criticize others

-To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble

-To be a light for others, not a judge of others

Have a great weekend & be careful out there.

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