Sunday, July 24, 2011

Humidity/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 6

This humidity making no sense, sweating w/o the sun around............

This have been a busy weekend so far, & still got stuff to do today. A lil hungover from last night's festivities, ran into a old coworker yesterday morning & she invited me to her house for a BBQ, I went and it was basically all the free food & drinks you can have, but I did bring a bottle of vodka for her & her guest. Got back in the house last night about 3 or so. I know I had gotten an invite for another BBQ thats gonna happen later on today.

Now w/ Song Challenge - Day 6, its on a song that reminds me of somewhere. This song came out 2 years ago, when it came out, ironically I was getting ready for Sigma Conclave in New Orleans. Maybe its that clarinet in the song or something, but just hearing it reminds me of one of the greatest places on earth

Jay-Z - D.O.A.

Also I do want to say R.I.P. Amy Winehouse. If this was a death related to her issues w/ drugs & etc, than I do wonder about What If. From what I heard, people already been knowing of her addictions & been talking about it, yet I really dont know how many people told her she needed to stop what she was doing. If you know someone that is going through something, sometimes you may need to put feelings aside & say what need to be said, even when the other person's life is in the balance.

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