Friday, July 29, 2011

Eddie Long's 5th/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 11

Honestly, I will never buy skittles after seeing this..........

But its been a good Friday today. Thinking of just locking myself in the house this weekend, just do some reading & working out, already was invited to another get-together yet they still deciding the address for it. So pretty much after today, I'll be off this weekend, then work on Mon & Tues, then off for 7 days for my trip. But still having to get some work done on my computer so I wont play catchup when I get back.

So last night I was looking through the news and I saw that they found a guy that they said was Eddie Long's 5th male he had sexual relations with. Dude really looks like Nene Leakes from Housewives of ATL & The dude even had a tattoo of Eddie Long's name on his wrist. My thing is I know he's tilting on guilty, even paid that multi-million dollar suit. At one point, I thought the gay community of ATL was setting Long up because he was a well known pastor running a program that was trying to convert homosexuals into straight people but its just me thinking. It just feels strange saying the name Eddie Long now for some reason. But its also on what we all learn about being in the church. Even growing up in the church myself, I have seen when people in the church messed up & others just judged them. We have to remember that in life, its not about the relationship between you & the church, but between you & God, because you never know what could happen in a building.

Now with Day 11 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, its A song from my favorite band. At first I was gonna cheat by saying a single person, but it would be a valid cheat w/ me not knowing many good groups these days, so Im going w/ The Fugees, their 1st album. But knowing me, I'm not going to use the Fu-Ge-La song, but my favorite one off the album (Trust me, this track goes in!!!).

Fugees - Zealots

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