Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Been a good weekend, took off from some of my writing. Got to kick it w/ my family, my mom cooked out, and I went back to my old neighborhood as well. Went to see my homeboy Nick, there was a rumor saying he was getting married, yet he told me he just got a girl pregnant in another city, he told me that I was getting old & I needed a junior around lmao. Also seen the neighbors I used to live next to, the woman lost her husband almost a year ago, she haven’t seen much of her family, so I told her that I would visit her from time to time, I may take my sis there to kick it, I even offered to cut her grass this weekend if the lawn needed it, she 69 yrs old. I ended up making some money this past Saturday, my friend’s mom had me all this furniture from her office to storage, she just dropped the envelope in my mailbox unexpectantly later that night. Got to also watch some movies, Got to see Black Swan for the first time, they were just a bunch of freaks in it, Imma buy it at Wal-Mart lol. That cousin that called me Thursday night that wanted to stay the night, never called me until Saturday night, she went to Lil Rock, missed her call the 1st time that night, but she wanted me to pay for her a car battery, didn’t even explain what happened Thursday night, Imma just watch her calling me from now on.

Heard the verdict yesterday, and I was a little shocked. I was still reading about the incident & how everything came to this point. It was just that it was almost drawn out like that episode of Law & Order SVU, the one w/ Hillary Duff in it. The mother claims she doesn’t know where the child is & makes up a false Hispanic babysitter. 31 days, how you not gonna notice your child gone for 31 days?? But some people started to make this a race issue: A white girl was found making lies about her daughter’s “disappearance” and was found Not Guilty. And Im finding out the attorney reppin her was barred from law at one point. I think its more of a fear that some black people are having: White people are getting away w/ stuff. Lindsey Lohan, Ben Rothlesburger, and now Casey Anthony. To white people, you are getting a stigma that you cannot take care of your kids, you may need to fix some things. May just look at some other things as well. Im just thankful my mom loved me to take care of me.

Im bout to doze off, been up since about 3am, had the itis from that chicken & rice last night.

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