Friday, July 8, 2011

The Wrong Proposal

I was actually typing up a different blog yet this have been heavy on my mind. If you havent heard, there was something on the news about a Dallas Cowboys WR name Roy Williams who proposed to girlfriend in a "special" way. He sends off a $75K ring in the mail along w/ a videotape of himself proposing to her. Now she declines his proposal, yet he hasnt received the ring back. She claimed that she returned the ring back in the mail, then we finding out that her dad has the ring so he's going to return it. So now Roy is taking her to court to try to get the ring back.

From a Article:

"Williams was born in Odessa, Texas, in Ector County, about 350 miles west of Dallas. According to the lawsuit, filed in Ector County District Court on June 30, Brooke Daniels contacted Williams “shortly before Valentine’s Day” and asked for $5,000 for school and dental bills.

Williams sent Daniels the money, a baseball for her brother in an overnight package. He also recorded a marriage proposal and included an engagement ring, the lawsuit said."

I am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan, yet In a way, Roy got what he deserved. Why did you mail off a proposal ring?? This had to be some GOOD pussy if the girl you are dating asking you for $5K, and then you put an engagement ring in the package. Maybe its just me, but I would have held off sending the $5K 1st, I would have been like "Let me see the bill" or even "Have you tried to go to EBAY to get some of the stuff you needed". AND this was the offseason, he could have done it in person if he really loved her. I always thought a man was supposed to be in person when he proposes to his lady, the ONLY way this might have slide was if he was maybe fighting a war overseas. Does this even make him look less of a man?? Probably, he was trying to be fancy when he should have been direct & face-to-face. But I wondered who & how he got this idea?? Did he talk to his boys about this idea?? Would his boys have been like "Yeah Man, go ahead and mail that $75K ring to her"

But also w/ them saying that her DAD got involved, did he really know what was happening in the first place?? Would you allow your daughter to take or ask for $5K from a guy she is only dating?? And how did he get the ring??

Now me, IF I was to proposed to someone, it would be just the 2 of us, FACE-TO-FACE, But also I would never ask someone to marry me in front of a huge crowd, it may be too mych pressure for her to say yes & it may make her feel obligated.

But just getting this off my chest, I know it has nothing to do w/ me, but just hate it when a black man acts stupid like this. Hope the weekend goes well, going to visit an old neighbor to see how she doing.

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