Monday, July 25, 2011

Take sis to work day/30 Day Song Challenge - Day 7

So yeah, me & sis here at work chilling. She had her high school freshman orientation today so I went & picked her up. We went to the library & talked to them about buying an ad for my sister's cheerleader squad, but because of the other high schools in the area, they claimed they didnt want to play favorites. But I'll be back for them. So sis is just here w/ me until I get off. If anyone wants to buy an ad that will be featured in her high school's football programs this fall, just hit me up here, facebook, or even twitter.

I meant to say, Saturday I ended up not really moving stuff, but painting some outside ramps & having to pull some outside carpet to make way for some new carpet coming for them this week. Remember in a previous blog I told you I had a girl hit on me a few days ago?? I talked to my homeboy about it & I found out he knew the girl, the girl was in rehab & might be a prostitute. Key thing here: Whenever you are in a small town, and someone tries to holla at you, chances are someone else have known her first, thats why you might need to ask around before going forward.

But I ended up hitting that 2nd BBQ last night, or should I say party. Because of the weather, they moved it to a later time & moved it inside a club, but there was free food & beer there. I thought I would just stop by & get a plate, but found myself not being at home until about 2:30am, but I was still able to make it in this morning.

Now with Day 7 of the 30 Day Song Challenge, it has to be a song that reminds me of an event. I remember back in Spring 2007, my last semester in undergrad, I was talking to some friends in a facebook group called BGLO Stereotypes. We all were in different locations yet we decided we would all meet up in ATL in June for the Atlanta Greek Picnic. I remember everytime I went to the AGP website, they had this instrumental of this song playing on the website. So its like everytime I listen to it, it reminds me of how me & my greek friends kicked it in the ATL for that hot ass weekend.

2pac - I wonder if Heaven got a Ghetto


  1. Take your sis to work day. . .haha. I should bring mine with me sometime. She'd die of boredom.

  2. Aww I love this song! But then again u know I'm heavy on the Pac tunes lol :)
