Monday, July 18, 2011

Prove Em Wrong

Had a good weekend, didnt really do anything, but need the time to regroup on some things. Still reading Play like you mean it by Rex Ryan, its a good book so far, halfway through it. I saw that USA Women's Soccer lost to China in the Championship yesterday, They lost on penalty kicks. Im still proud of them, hope they can build off this for the near future. Found myself last night at a friend's house playing Assassin's Creed - Da Vinci Disappearance on xbox360, it was a good game, almost like a medieval version on Grand Theft Auto. I had frat hit me up as well if I wanted to ride w/ them to ATL for Conclave later this week so Im seeing if I can use my time off for the drive.

So this past week, I was chilling w/ a friend & was talking about him trying to get a new job after some stuff he was going through. His mom butts in & wanted me to talk to him about his attitude problem, keep in mind he is a year older than me. You see, he was going through some things & somehow he wound up living in the same house as his mom, grandmom, AND great-grandmother. It seem like him & his family are having arguments & they claim that he about to go the wrong path. Two things I shared w/ him that I know I need to talk about here:

One, If you have someone that’s making you upset or have screwed you over, don’t take your anger out on the people that’s trying to help you out. I know I had to cut people out of my life because they had things like their jobs or parents or whatnot giving them a hard time, but then they turn around and snap at their friends & coworkers that have done nothing wrong.

Two, if someone keep nagging about what you doing wrong, look at your life. These days we just fire off at people that give us negative feedback. Honestly, we just get mad because deep down we know they hit a point about something. The beauty of life is being able to prove people wrong through our actions, not by mouth. If someone says that you are not amount to anything, don’t just fire back, you can go out & prove them wrong to shut them up. Now I know you cant please everyone, but if you know you not being active & bettering yourself in life, someone might say something to you even if it may insult you.

In closing, when people talk, you dont have to listen, but when you do, learn to isolate BS from what is honest criticism. Also, if people are trying to help & not trying to hurt you, learn to be patient w/ them & just handle your business.

Im gone & Im thinking of just putting random videos up for enjoyment, just some songs & stuff that I like each time I blog.

Questionmark Asylum ft. Blackgirl - Hey look away

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